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Book (stand-alone)Collective tenure rights for REDD+ implementation and sustainable development 2021
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No results found.This technical paper emphasizes the opportunity that REDD+ and the global climate agenda represents for countries to engage more actively in securing land and resource rights for indigenous peoples and local communities. At the same time, it stresses how collective tenure rights represent a key element to achieve long-lasting and successful results for REDD+, contributing to addressing global climate change. -
Book (series)Framework perspective on local participation in policy: Views through FAO experience 2007
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No results found.The goal of this exercise is to identify some of the tools a development agent needs for achieving effective local participation in policy development. The intended audiences are FAO professionals and their colleagues, in other agencies and in the field programs. This paper uses an analogy of walking and climbing to separate the familiar project experiences (the walking) from the less-known territory of policy influence (the climbing). This exercise is unusual in that it looks back at a number of field experiences that were not formulated with a focus on local participation in policy development (no one started out with the intention to climb). From a research perspective we attempted to understand processes after the fact rather than following them as they developed, and we leaned on fields such as organizational management that deal with such challenges on a regular basis. The case studies here were written with the aim of learning about the participatory policy development processes that took place around and within the contexts of the FAO projects. The majority of selected cases constitute a series of projects that started with a technical orientation (e.g. food security) and over time began to appreciate the significance of the policy context as an area where the project could play a direct role. All projects contributed by creating new capacities at the individual and organizational levels. They created networking opportunities (spaces) w hereby different stakeholders gained a voice. While many of those spaces were temporary, their very existence established both a precedent and a sense of what is possible. However, by not having an explicit “policy influence” agenda, the projects may have missed opportunities to document and report on some of these achievements. In the analogy: the walker may have climbed without knowing he followed good practices because he did not know their name, or their foundation. -
No Thumbnail AvailableBook (stand-alone)Community forestry rapid appraisal of tree and land tenure 1989
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Dr. John Bruce, Director of the Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, was asked to develop a framework for more effective analysis and design of community forestry activities. The task is inherently difficult because in grappling with tenure one moves beyond the readily observable into the realm of values and norms. The framework adopted here is to first consider tenure issues within three broad tenure types (the holding, the commons and the reserve), and then examine, from the point of view of the household, the opportunities for tree planting and use under each of the three types of tenure. While there are obviously limits to how far one can go with such issues in rapid appraisal, it should be possible to significantly reduce tenure-related design problems in projects through the procedures suggested here. If the issues raised cannot be adequately explored during rapid appraisal, they can be flagged for further investigation. Dr. Bruce's document has been r eviewed both within the Forestry Department and the Economic and Social Policy Department as well as by an-Expert Consultative Group and judged to be of highest quality. It is, however, a new approach. It is therefore being produced first in draft in order that some experience can be gained in different locations to assess how it may need to be modified to fit specific sites.
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