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Support to the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission - GCP/INT/305/EC

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    Enhancing Fisheries Management in Central and Western Mediterranean Subregions - GCP/INT/362/EC (Baby 02) 2022
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    Fisheries management in the Mediterranean is complex for several reasons, including, among others, fishing overcapacity; different levels of information development, in particular for biological and socio economic data that were neither readily available nor standardized; insufficient and weak legal aspects and measures for monitoring, surveillance and control activities; and inadequate institutional frameworks for subregional fisheries management. Against this background, Phase II of the CopeMed project (the first phase was implemented from 1996 to 2005), which is cofunded by the European Union, sought to strengthen science based fisheries management through enhanced technical scientific capacities, and the promotion of scientific cooperation among participating countries in the central and western Mediterranean subregions . The current project, representing the eleventh year of the second phase, aimed to consolidate and build on the achievements obtained so far, towards strengthening regional cooperation in support to the sustainable management of fisheries; in particular, in three target countries, Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia.
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    Enhancing Fisheries Management for Sustainable Use of Marine Living Resources - GCP/INT/228/JPN 2023
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    Effective fisheries management is crucial to ensuring the long lasting social and economic benefits derived from the development of fisheries and related processing and marketing activities. The status of fisheries has been a major concern to the international community for more than two decades. Around a third of fish stocks shows signs of overexploitation, there are accelerating climate change impacts, and the aquatic environment is becoming degraded, leading to reduced socio economic and cultural benefits. While progress has been made in some areas, considerable efforts are still required to improve the situation of fisheries worldwide. Various global fora have called for action to enhance the sustainability of the fisheries sector. Against this background, the project aimed to strengthen the implementation of the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) at international, regional and national levels, and to support the development of relevant knowledge and tools to cope with threats, and/or to take advantage of opportunities related to climate change and other global drivers of change.
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