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Iraq: Protecting Iraqi farmers by anticipating drought and water shortages

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    Rwanda: Anticipatory actions to support farmers' resilience impacted by low rains 2023
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    Rwanda is greatly susceptible to the impacts of climate change through its high dependence on rainfed agriculture. Despite the country’s overall growth and development over the past three decades, climate change has resulted in seasonal droughts that are expected to become more prolonged, causing additional challenges. Adding to the climate-related difficulties facing rural households, food prices in Rwanda have been exceptionally high. Urgent action was needed to improve food security for households expected to face the impacts of combined shocks – drought plus high food and input prices. The Anticipatory Action window of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations’ (FAO’s) Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA) was activated, thanks to the Government of Belgium’s contribution. It supported the resilience of smallholder farmers to help them better cope with the predicted impacts of drought, protect their assets and maintain their food security. It also promoted the adoption of climate-smart agriculture for better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life for all.
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    Syrian Arab Republic: Protecting wheat farmers by anticipating La Niña-induced drought in crisis-affected areas 2022
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    The Syrian Arab Republic is affected by compounding risk factors such as conflict, economic crises and natural hazards, which have severe impacts on food security. In September 2021, forecasts indicated below-average winter rains, likely to again affect wheat production, livelihoods and food security. Many wheat farmers and their vulnerable families are unlikely to be able to access suitable wheat seeds without support. The German Federal Foreign Office’s contribution to the Anticipatory Action window of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations' (FAO's) Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA-AA) will help wheat farmers mitigate the impact of increasing prices for food commodities, agriculture inputs and an expected below-average domestic cereal production on their food security. Early action protects farmers in the Syrian Arab Republic by anticipating La Niña-induced drought in crisis-affected areas.
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    Madagascar: Belgium's contribution through the Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA) – Anticipatory Action window 2023
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    In a general economic context marked by high levels of poverty, Madagascar is particularly vulnerable to hazards that impact agricultural activities, which constitute the population’s main livelihoods. Since 2015, the southern part of the island has been plagued by prolonged episodes of drought, which were exacerbated by the occurence of compounding hazards such as sand-laden winds and attacks by crop pests (locusts, fall armyworms and other insects harmful to vegetable crops). Emergency responses have been implemented by actors in the most affected areas. This has partially improved the livelihoods of the households benefiting from these interventions, but the vulnerability of the population persists. The Government of the Kingdom of Belgium has contributed USD 1 million, through SFERA, to FAO’s Anticipatory Action in the south of Madagascar. Thanks to this generous contribution, FAO will provide 4 500 vulnerable households with support for livestock breeding, seed distribution, fishing equipment and cash distribution, as well as training, to help safeguard the food security and livelihoods of the most vulnerable rural households in the country.

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