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SponGES WP2: Biodiversity

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    SponGES WP1: Ecosystem characterization and mapping 2018
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    This fact sheet decsribes the objectives and activitied of Workpackage 1 of the SponGES project: Ecosystem characterization. The aim of this Work Package is to fill the knowledge gap about the extent and distribution of sponge grounds by collating known distributional data, and by collecting fine scale geological, hydrological, and biological data through in-situ surveys of different types of sponge ground ecosystems in case study areas.
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    SponGES WP6: Threats and impacts to sponge grounds 2018
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    This fact sheet provides information on the Objectives and activities of Work Programme 6 of the SponGES project: Threats and impacts to sponge grounds. Considering diverse anthropogenic stressors acting on the deep sea and the vulnerability of deep-sea sponges to human disturbance, it is urgent to understand the full scale of human impacts on these ecosystems, and how they interact with each other. Such information is essential to respond to international regulations such as the UNGA Resolution 61/105 for the protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems from destructive fishing practices and for identifying indicators of Good Environmental Status for seafloor integrity of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
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    SponGES WP8: Resource management and conservation 2018
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    The Fact sheet describes the goals and Objectives of Work Package 8 of the SponGES project, which is to advance the science-management-policy interface and develop tools for improved resource management and understanding of deep-sea sponge ecosystems from regional to international levels across the Atlantic.

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