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BookletClimate-related development finance to agrifood systems
Global and regional trends between 2000 and 2021
2023Also available in:
No results found.The amount of climate finance flowing to agrifood systems is strikingly low and continues to diminish vis-à-vis global climate finance flows. Agriculture is one of the sectors with the highest adaptation finance needs for implementing the nationally determined contributions (NDCs) but climate finance for adaptation is also on a downward trend. The diminishing trends of both agrifood and adaptation investments is a cause for alarm and a missed opportunity. This publication addresses the persistent knowledge gap related to climate finance to agrifood systems, providing data and information to support countries making informed decisions towards agrifood systems transformation. The analysis brings to light the evolution of climate finance in agrifood systems over the past two decades, showcasing unique sectorial analysis of climate finance allocations for adaptation and mitigation, delving into the diversity of actors involved, from bilateral and multilateral agencies to the private sector, highlighting the critical need for partnerships that transcend boundaries. -
No Thumbnail AvailableBook (stand-alone)The triple gap in finance for agrifood systems
Revised February 2025
2025Also available in:
No results found.This report presents the first comprehensive analysis of climate finance needs for agrifood systems to help meet the 1.5-degree objective. Low-carbon and resilient agrifood systems are vital to ensure the food security and sustainable development of a growing human population and global economic development. This report aims to better inform decision-makers and investors in the agrifood space. Establishing this baseline for financial needs can help to track action against the efforts required to mitigate and adapt to climate change. -
Book (stand-alone)Green finance as a critical lever for delivering sustainable agrifood systems – A global landscape study 2023
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No results found.The global landscape study on ‘Green finance as a critical lever for delivering sustainable agrifood system’ is an inclusive commentary on the current status of green finance to agrifood sector in the global south and its support system. This document provides evidence that the current green finance trends favour the development of the clean energy industry, whereas smallholder agriculture has not had the same success. Financing the agrifood sector in a “business as usual” mode is not a sufficient condition to mitigate the risks emanated from a range of climatic shocks and unprecedented events impacting the global food value chains. Sustainable financing mechanisms through innovative instruments and business practices are potential solutions and green finance emerges as the way forward to shift the focus from economic profit creation to the generation of stakeholder’s value (economic, environmental, and social governance). The document presents an excellent opportunity that can help elicit ongoing initiatives, application mechanisms, and significant issues to build global narratives about developing an inclusive approach to green finance services for the agrifood sector.
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