FAO General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean.
Report of the twenty-seventh session. Rome, 19-22 November 2002.
GFCM Report. No. 27. Rome, FAO. 2002. 36p.
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Book (series)GFCM - Report of the twenty-ninth session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean. Rome, Italy, 21–25 February 2005. 2005The twenty-ninth session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) was attended by delegates from all (twenty-four) Members of the Commission. The Commission decided that the new headquarters of GFCM will be in Palazzo Blumenstihl, Rome, Italy. The Commission agreed that Members would exceptionally participate in the ballots for the selection of the Executive Secretary, provided that they contribute their share to the GFCM autonomous budget prior to the end of 2005. Through interviews and secret ballots, the Commission selected its Executive Secretary. It also agreed on the mandate and on the procedure for the selection of the Deputy Executive Secretary. The Commission established formally the Coordinating Meeting of the Sub- Committees (CMSC) as a subsidiary body of Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC), as well as a Permanent Working Group on Stock Assessment Methodologies. It favoured the strengthening of the mandate of the Joint GFCM/I CCAT Working Group on Large Pelagics and decided to re-establish the Network on Environment and Aquaculture in the Mediterranean (EAM) in support to the Committee on Aquaculture (CAQ). The Commission decided to review selected provisions of its Rules of Procedure at the next Plenary session. The Commission adopted binding Recommendations GFCM/2005/1 and GFCM/2005/2, respectively on “The management of certain fisheries exploiting demersal and deepwater species”, and on “The establishm ent of a record of fishing vessels over 15 metres authorized to operate in the GFCM area” as well as six ICCAT Recommendations and “General Guidelines for a GFCM Control Scheme”. The Commission also urged members to develop and adopt National Plans of Action on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IUU) and invited the MedFisis regional project to give priority to establishing the GFCM vessel register (white list).
Book (series)GFCM - Report of the seventh session of the Scientific Advisory Committee. Rome, Italy, 19–22 October 2004. / CGPM - Rapport de la septième session du Comité scientifique consultatif. Rome, Italie, 19-22 octobre 2004. 2005
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No results found.The seventh session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) was held in Rome, Italy, from 19 to 22 October 2004. It was attended by delegates from nineteen Members of the Commission. The Committee reviewed work by its subcommittees during the intersessional period, appraised scientific activities, formulated advice on fishery management and identified complementary research needs. It agreed on its workplan for 2005. In particular, SAC emphasized the need to ensure the availability of more scientific contributions, data and analysis, as well as a greater coverage of GFCM Geographical Sub-Areas (GSAs). It stressed the need to foster on task-oriented advisory process driven by the Commission and to formulate multidisciplinary management advice, encompassing multispecies fisheries and in conformity with an ecosystem approach. SAC reiterated the importance of identifying indicators and reference points for each fishery and operati onal unit. It strongly advised to refrain expending deepwater fishing operations beyond 1 000-meter depth. The Committee provided additional suggestions for increasing its functional efficiency. It favoured the formalization of the Coordinating meeting of the Sub-Committees and the strengthening of the Joint GFCM/ICCAT Working Group on Large Pelagics through updating its mandate. SAC also called for greater cooperation with the Committee on Aquaculture (CAQ) on selected issues. -
Book (series)Report of the thirty-ninth session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), Milan, Italy, 25-29 May 2015
General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean
2016The thirty-ninth session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM), including the sixth session of the Committee on Administration and Finance (CAF) and the ninth session of the Compliance Committee (CoC), was attended by representatives from 23 Members, 3 non-Members as well as 7 intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations. In the context of the amendment process of the GFCM legal framework, the Commission examined and adopted by consensus its new rules of proced ure and financial regulations, in line with the new GFCM Agreement entered into force on 20 May 2014 . During the session, the cooperating non-contracting party status was granted to Georgia and Ukraine in light of their increasing involvement in GFCM activities in the Black Sea. Moreover, in order to enhance cooperation with partner organizations, the Commission, based on a proposed set of objectives and activities, requested the GFCM Secretariat to finalize and sign, on behalf of GFCM/FAO, fou r new memoranda of understanding with MedPAN, ATLAFCO, OceanCare and EATIP. A set of important measures for the management and conservation of fisheries resources in both the Mediterranean and the Black Sea were discussed and agreed upon. In particular, the Commission adopted four recommendations, namely: Recommendation GFCM/39/2015/1 establishing further precautionary and emergency measures in 2016 for small pelagic stocks in the Adriatic Sea (GSA 17 and GSA 18); Recommendation GFCM/39/2015/2 o n the establishment of a set of minimum standards for bottom trawling fisheries of demersal stocks in the Strait of Sicily, pending the development and adoption of a multiannual management plan; Recommendation GFCM/39/2015/3 on the establishement of a set of measures to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing in turbot fisheries in the Black Sea and Recommendation GFCM/39/2015/4 on management measures for piked dogfish in the Black Sea.
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