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Read the brief: Re-thinking food systems in Andhra Pradesh, India. How natural farming could feed the future
Last updated 21/01/2025
Dorin, B., Poisot, A-S. & Vijay Kumar, T. 2024. Agro-industry versus agroecology? Two macroeconomic scenarios for 2050 in Andhra Pradesh, India. Paris, CIRAD, Rome, FAO and Guntur, India, RySS.
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ProjectElaboration of the State Programme 2022–2026 (Including the Concept) of Agro-Industrial Development - TCP/KAZ/3801 2023
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No results found.The Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan (MoA) initiated the process of developing the State Programme 2022–2026 as the implementation of the State Programme of the Agro-Industrial Complex Development in Kazakhstan in 2017–2021 neared completion. According to the rules of the State Planning System of Kazakhstan, the development of the State Programme 2022¬2026 had to be preceded by the Concept of the State Programme, which required a comprehensive evaluation of the previous State Programme 2017–2021, including a socioeconomic impact assessment and cost-effectiveness analysis. It also needed to outline the goals, objectives, outcome and output indicators for the designated five-year period (2022–2026), as well as an investment plan indicating the required funds. -
Brochure, flyer, fact-sheetAgro-Industry Accelerator - Accelerator for Agriculture and Agro-industry Development and Innovation (3ADI+) 2019
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No results found.A holistic, integrated approach is needed to tackle the systemic constraints on sustainable agriculture and food systems and value chain development. The Accelerator for Agriculture and Agro-industry Development and Innovation (3ADI+) is a global programme spearheaded by FAO and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) that seeks to generate decent employment, particularly for rural youth and women, and produce higher-value, safer and nutritious food, while combating the effects of climate change in on- and off-farm activities. A key input for generating value for smallholders is through sustainable mechanization, especially in Africa. By taking a partnership approach and drawing on private investment to ensure sustainability and scalability, the initiative aims build sustainable value chains to meet modern needs. -
Book (stand-alone)Overviews of food systems and agro-industry, value chains, and food loss and waste in the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia 2018
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No results found.Many countries in the region have seen positive changes in agricultural development in recent years associated with countries’ reforms during the transition period after the Soviet Union collapse, as well as due to support from international organizations. This report overviews eighteen countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The report examines agriculture sectors and food systems, relevant programmes, it reveals the status of agro-processing sector and value chain development activities, and it covers food loss and waste. In the final analysis it was concluded, that more research and data collection are needed to understand the extent of food loss and waste at regional and national levels. It is recommended to update the regional agro-industry briefs that were compiled by FAO in 2014, and to supplement the briefs with the information on value chain development and food waste and loss. The report encourages better dissemination and sharing of results from partner organizations’ work on value chains, post-harvest handling, agro-processing and particularly food loss and waste activities. The report highlights that food loss and waste in the Europe and Central Asia region is not addressed in a uniform way. The report recommends to conduct more farmers’ trainings in harvesting techniques and improving access to infrastructure and markets (especially for smallholders). Companies and service providers in cold value chains should be supported in handling and increasing capacities. One of the highlighted challenges is a matter of connecting rural producers with logistics centres. Better integration of smallholder farmers into value chains is needed. Improving the enabling environment is crucial and will depend on enhancing the capacity of supporting institutions, including better understandings of current situations and challenges in order to provide countries and relevant stakeholders with solutions on improving effectiveness of value chains, including measures to reduce food loss and waste at all stages of the value chain.
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