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Global dairy and GHG emissions

FAO Analysis 2005-2015

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    How does the Dairy Modernization and Market Access (DiMMA) programme in Georgia contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and food security? 2024
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    The Dairy Modernization and Market Access (DiMMA) programme in Georgia aims to improve the productivity of smallholder dairy farming systems through better nutrition and feeding, veterinary care leading to better animal health, and breed improvements. In addition, it aims to strengthen the resilience of farmers to cope with the adverse effects of climate change via improved pasture management practices, capacity development measures, and facilitating stakeholder engagement and policy dialogues. The aim of this study is to report the impact of DiMMA programme on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for both total emissions and emissions intensity (i.e. emissions produced per unit of product), food security (shown in protein production) and resource use (shown in feed intake) for two scenarios: without project (WOP) representing the case without any improvements to herd, feed and manure parameters; and with project (WP) representing the situation with project improvements on herd structure, feeding and manure management over the project timeline. The scenarios with which the impact of WP were evaluated cover a combination of interventions including improved breeding via artificial insemination (AI), improved feeding and nutrition via pasture improvement, training and value chain improvements, and improved manure management via trainings and value chain improvements.
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    Options for low emission development in the Bangladesh dairy sector 2017
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    This publication is intended to contribute to the implementation of the livestock and climate change development agenda. The study evaluates the potential for improving productivity while reducing enteric methane emission intensity from dairy production systems in Bangladesh. The overall objective of this study is to support Bangladesh in identifying low-cost strategies to reduce enteric CH4 emissions while contributing to Bangladesh’s short-and long-term social and economic development and incr easing resilience to climate change.
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    (Draft) Methodology for Quantification of GHG Emission Reductions from Improved Management in Smallholder Dairy Production Systems using a Standardized Baseline 2016
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    This methodology presents requirements for development and assessment of a standardized baseline for quantification of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions in smallholder dairy systems. It also includes guidance for quantification of baseline GHG emissions from dairy production in a defined geographical area within a country, for quantification of with-project GHG emissions, leakage, and net emission reductions due to project implementation. The general approach outlined in the methodology i s based on the following key elements. A standardized baseline for the project region is set on the basis of a baseline survey, which establishes a statistically robust relationship between milk yields and the GHG intensity of milk production measured as kg CO2 eq. per kg fat and protein corrected milk (FPCM).

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