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Guidance on pesticide licensing schemes

International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management

FAO and WHO. 2021. Guidance on pesticide licensing schemes – International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management. Rome.

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    Book (stand-alone)
    International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management - Guidance on Pesticide Legislation - Second edition 2020
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    The purpose of the guidelines is to provide guidance to governments that seek to review, update or design national pesticide legislation. It should be emphasized, however, that legislation alone cannot ensure effective pesticide management and adequate protection of the environment and public health. Governments will need to have in place the necessary institutional infrastructure for registering pesticides and enforcing legislation. Further, governments also need effective supporting policies and tools to promote sustainable pest and pesticide management. This may include promoting Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and Integrated Vector Management (IVM) through training programmes and incentive schemes, increasing availability and use of low risk products, fostering scientific research, carrying out public education campaigns and providing training for inspectors, retailers and professional users. A solid legislative framework should underpin the selected institutional framework, policies and tools. This document supersedes the Guidelines for Legislation on the Control of Pesticides of 1989.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management – Guidance on Good Labelling Practices for Pesticides
    Second revision
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    This second revision of the Guidance on Good Labelling Practice for Pesticides targets pesticide regulatory authorities, primarily in developing countries and countries with economies in transition, which have to define or revise national pesticide labelling requirements. The guidance aims also to assist pesticide registration authorities in reviewing the design and contents of (draft) pesticide labels. Other stakeholders, such as pesticide industry and civil society groups, may also find the guidance useful for writing or evaluating pesticide labels. The revised guidance further stresses the importance to adopt the Globally Harmonised System of classification of pesticides by hazard (GHS) and to use it for pesticide labelling. It provides a revised section on colour bands (4.7) so that labels of pesticide products reflect both acute health and severe chronic toxicity.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Guidance for harmonizing pesticide regulatory management in Southeast Asia 2012
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    This publication is the product of a project implemented under FAO's technical cooperation programme in response to the requests by eight member countries in Southeast Asia to assist them in achieving greater regulatory harmonization. Since 1982, FAO has played an instrumental role in assisting countries in the region regulate the use of pesticides. An efficiently regulated and managed pesticide registration scheme is a prerequisite for ensuring that pesticides are useful in controlling pests an d for minimizing the potential risks to human health and the environment. The FAO International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides lays the foundation for the harmonization of pesticide regulations in Southeast Asia. The publication includes a set of five guidelines on (a) harmonization of pesticide registration, (b) harmonization of registration requirements for biopesticides, (c) harmonization of pesticide labeling, (d) harmonization of monitoring pesticide residues in a griculture products and (e) updated guidelines for the preparation of bioefficacy test protocols.

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