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Workshop report of the Expert Meeting on Strengthening Finance for Sustainable Forest Management through National Forest Funds held at Catie, Costa Rica, 28-30 January 2013

This workshop was sponsored by FAO and GIZ on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

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    Book (series)
    Report of the Ad hoc Expert Meeting on Indicators and Criteria of Sustainable Shrimp Culture. Rome, 28-30 April 1998. / Rapport de la Réunion ad hoc d'experts sur les indicateurs et critères relatifs à l'élevage durable des crevettes. Rome, Italie, 28-30 avril 1998. / Informe de la Reunión Especial de Expertos Técnicos sobre indicadores y Criterios para el Cultivo Sostenible del Camarón. Roma, Italia, 28-30 de abril de 1998. 1998
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    The Bangkok FAO Technical Consultation on Policies for Sustainable Shrimp Culture, 8 to 11 December 19971, recommended, inter alia, that FAO specifically request governments of countries engaged in shrimp culture to report on progress in implementing the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries in relation to shrimp culture activities to the Committee on Fisheries (COFI) at its next and subsequent sessions. To assist this process, the Consultation recommended that FAO convene a meeting of techn ical experts to develop appropriate criteria and indicators to assess progress made in the process of national shrimp culture development. The present report contains the findings of the ad-hoc expert meeting in pursuance of this recommendation. The meeting prioritized and prepared a recommended short-list of the criteria and indicators of sustainable shrimp fisheries which should form the basis for regular reporting by countries to COFI. The meeting stressed that these criteria and indicators related to the national level and did not encompass farm-level and local-level indicators. It noted that the regular collation of these indicators would greatly benefit the planning and management of shrimp culture development in the countries. The meeting concluded that it would be premature at this stage to request governments to report actual data on those indicators to the next session of COFI, 15-19 February 1999. Instead, the meeting elaborated a questionnaire to allow governments to re view and comment on the recommended indicators and on their present and future ability to acquire the related data and information. Moreover, the meeting decided that in this questionnaire, governments should be given the opportunity to indicate the nature of assistance deemed desirable to adopt a comprehensive statistical system for their shrimp culture sub-sectors in view of the inadequacies of many existing systems and the high socio-economic importance and specific management and development requirements of shrimp culture.
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    Proceedings of the international expert workshop on strengthening collaboration on criteria and indicators to promote and demonstrate sustainable forest management
    May 1–3 2016, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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    Criteria and indicators have a major role in promoting the implementation of recent global agreements affecting forests, by focusing on measurable results and on follow-up monitoring and reporting. This workshop was the beginning of a broader conversation to enhance the connectedness of sustainable forest management (SFM) indicators and global initiatives related to forests and strengthen the impact of their work.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission: development of national-level criteria and indicators for the sustainable management of dry forests of Asia: workshop report 2000
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    A report of the proceedings of the workshop, which was organized in Bhopal, India from 30 November to 3 December 1999, by FAO, UNEP (UN Environment Programme), ITTO (International Tropical Timber Organization), USDA/FS (United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service) and IIFM (Indian Institute of Forest Management). The main participants were representatives of forestry agencies from nine Asian countries with dry forests - Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri L anka and Thailand. Besides a summary of the discussions and recommendations, the publication lists the eight national-level criteria agreed on at the meeting. The meeting was held to follow up on the recommendation by the 17th session of the Asia Pacific Forestry Commission (APFC) in 1998 to promote better understanding of forest management-evaluation criteria and indicators as a highly useful tool for the sustainable use of the region's forests.

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