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GIEWS Special Alert No. 334 - Vanuatu

Agriculture sector of Vanuatu severely damaged by tropical Cyclone Pam

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    FAO GIEWS Special Alert No. 332- IRAQ, 25 June 2014 2014
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    Iraq has been plunged into a renewed precarious humanitarian situation with the current escalation of armed conflict. Already the long years of instability have led to protracted humanitarian crises and significant deterioration of both accessibility and the quality of essential services. Although some gains were registered in the last several years in containing food deprivation, civil insecurity, disruptions of markets, limited income and lack of access to sufficient food continue to be the ma in causes of food insecurity in Iraq. The Public Distribution System (PDS) remains the main source of food for the poorest Iraqis although the rate of dependency was reported to have decreased from 67 percent in 2007 to 57 percent in 2011.
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    GIEWS Special Alert No. 333 - Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone (Ebola outbreak)
    Grave food security concerns following the Ebola outbreak in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea
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    The 2014 main crop harvesting season is about to start and faces difficulties mainly due to labour shortages as a result of movement restrictions following the Ebola outbreak. Disruptions in cross-border trade and marketing activities have resulted in sharp price rises, affecting the food security situation of large numbers of people. An Emergency Operation (EMOP) amounting to 65 000 tonnes was jointly approved by WFP and FAO on 25 August 2014 to provide food assistance to approximately 1.3 million most affected people over a period of three months. FAO, together with respective government authorities and other stakeholders, is supporting the overall response plan and identifying appropriate mechanisms to assist agricultural production, specifically in harvesting and related post-harvest activities.
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    Brochure, flyer, fact-sheet
    Asia and the Pacific: Belgium's contribution through the Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA) – Anticipatory Action window 2024
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    La Niña significantly impacts the Asia-Pacific region, leading to above‑average rainfall that often results in severe flooding and cyclones, which damage agricultural and food systems. The Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Viet Nam and Fiji in particular are at high risk during the current La Niña cycle. To mitigate these effects, the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium contributed USD 500 000 to FAO through SFERA – Anticipatory Action window, to support over 5 900 families in high-risk areas in these three countries.

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