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Palestinian Women's Associations and Agricultural Value Chains

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    Palestinian Womens' Associations and Agricultural Value Chains 2011
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    Policy brief
    Women’s participation in wood-based value chains in voluntary partnership agreement countries: Constraints and opportunities for women in wood-based value chains in forestry cooperatives in Honduras
    The experience of the FAO-EU FLEGT Programme
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    This brief describes the constraints as well as opportunities of women in the wood-based supply chain, from a case study from seven community-based forest cooperatives in the Atlántida, El Paraíso and Francisco Morazán regions of Honduras. These cooperatives are involved in a variety of income generating and employment opportunities based around wood product value chains; trade in other non-wood products, and small-scale livestock.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    The role of women producer organizations in agricultural value chains - practical lessons from Africa and India 2011
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    Inducing institutional and organizational change to foster greater economic opportunities forsmall holders is often best achieved by enabling stakeholders to directly confront and comparealternative models of development operating within socio-economic and political environmentsdifferent from their own. It is this basic premise that motivated FAO to initiate an Exposure andExchange Programme (EEP): to enable selected women farmers’ organizations from West andCentral Africa and India’s SEWA (Self -Employed Women Association) to exchange and learn from their experiences. The week-long EEP, held in November 2010 and hosted by SEWA in Ahmedabad, state of Gujarat, India, provided an arena to showcase the SEWA development model in action and for African and Indian women leaders to hold group discussions and exchanges on the roles of small holders in markets. The discussions and exchanges enabled the FAO facilitating team to identify and formulate a number of important insights and lessonsabou t capacity building. This report critically evaluates the SEWA model and draws conclusionsrelevant to African women producers organizations to better meet the challenges of raising Africa’s agricultural potential, improve incomes for small farmers, and ensure greater food security.

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