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ESOP 2: Stakeholder engagement

Framework for Environmental and Social Management guidance note

FAO. 2023. ESOP 2: Stakeholder engagement - Framework for Environmental and Social Management guidance note. Rome.

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    Agroecology is recognized as a crucial approach for advancing sustainable food systems, with significant global growth in research, practices and policies over the past decade. Since 2014, FAO has organized global and regional meetings aimed at fostering a multistakeholder dialogue on agroecology to identify both opportunities and barriers for scaling up this approach. The project specifically focused on addressing critical gaps related to the co-creation and sharing of agroecological knowledge and evidence. Specifically, the intervention aimed to achieve three primary objectives: enhancing accessibility to agroecological knowledge, fostering a platform for information sharing, and establishing strategic connections to facilitate collective action in advancing agroecological transitions.
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    Stakeholder engagement in enhancing national climate actions in livestock systems in Kenya
    Report of the Consultation Workshop Nakuru, Kenya 7-9 December 2022
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    Livestock is crucial to Kenya's economy and socio-cultural practices, but it also contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. Climate-smart agriculture and sustainable livestock management practices can help Kenya achieve its climate change targets and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, while ensuring food and nutrition security. This report presents the key outcomes and recommendations of a national stakeholder workshop FAO organized in December 2022 to address climate change in Kenya's livestock sector.

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