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One Village One Product (OVOP) Movement

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    One Village One Product Movement Cambodia National Committee for One Village One Product (OVOP) movement
    FAO’s Webinar on Stocktaking and Lessons Learned from the Implementation of One Village One Product in Asia and the Pacific
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    This presents Cambodia's work on the one village one product programme.
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    Book (stand-alone)
    Global application of the One Village One Product Movement concept
    Lessons from the experiences of the Japan International Cooperation Agency
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    In the context of FAO's Global Action (GA) on Green Development of Special Agro-Products (SAPs), themed as “One Country – One Priority Product” (OCOP), given that OCOP shares similar philosophy as the One Village One Product (OVOP) movement and taking advantages of the rich experiences of OVOP and advances made by Asian countries, especially Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)'s support in many OVOP projects around the world, this publication presents an overview of the OVOP movement globally and showcases how OVOP can boost rural economies and increase food security nutrition through the development of local products hence contributing to SDG 1, 2, and 10. Chapter I explains what OVOP is and how it has been disseminated outside Japan. Chapter II provides overview of JICA's support for OVOP. In Chapter III, JICA’s OVOP projects are analyzed in terms of their objectives, alignment to strategic policy framework, target population, products/services, governance structure and monitoring and evaluation. Chapter IV reviews the process and interventions taken in OVOP projects and identifies good practices.Chapter V lists success factors which are extracted from OVOP projects. FAO’s One Country–One Priority Product (OCOP) projects are encouraged to refer to them in their planning and implementation phases. Lastly, in Chapter VII, several implications and recommendations for OCOP are drawn from OVOP experiences of JICA.
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    Policy brief
    Key sanitary and phytosanitary issues constraining the efficient movement of agricultural products at the South African Development Community regional ports of entry and exit and how to address them 2023
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    Agriculture is a major source of exports in some Southern African Development Community (SADC) Member States. However, intra-SADC trade flows as a percentage of total imports and exports remain low. This trend is partly attributed to excessive customs duties, border delays, as well as non-tariff barriers on imported products among SADC Member States. To contribute to the actualization of the SADC Protocol on Trade, selected SADC regional ports of entry/exit were assessed to determine key sanitary and phytosanitary issues hampering the efficient movement of agricultural products and to provide recommendations to address them. This policy brief is based on findings of the assessment and a SADC Cross Border Road Transport Agency report.

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