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保护动物和人类健康,保证抗微生物药物有效 十大行动

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    食物链危机紧急预 防系统计划评价 (EMPRES Evaluation, executive summary)
    In today’s inter-connected world, trans-boundary animal/ plant diseases and pests are becoming a greater concern. Countries are increasingly investing in policies and regulations to manage old and new trans-boundary diseases that threaten health, markets and the safe production of food. FAO is uniquely positioned to assist countries to scale up their capacities and manage these threats. The EMPRES programme for emergency prevention systems, built on its animal health and locust programmes, now covers plant pests and diseases, aquatic diseases, food safety and forest health under one framework. Each programme component has produced positive results where support was extended. However, the programme rarely offered countries cohesive support covering all the relevant areas. A more cohesive multi-sectoral approach would enhance visibility and allow countries to better understand the range of assistance provided, leading to better and more relevant support to countries.
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    联合国粮食及农业组织 抗微生物药物耐药性(AMR)行动计划 2016-2020年 2018
    本文件概括介绍了粮农组织抗微生物药物耐药性行动计划,该计划描述了粮农组织将如何落实其成员国在第4/2015号决议(附件1)项下提出的要求。该计划由粮农组织 组建的一支多学科团队制定,目的是保证该计划能够涵盖陆生和水生动物卫生与生产,作物生产,食品安全,标准制定以及法律问题在内的所有方面,同时确保将该计划纳入到粮农组织的战略规划之中。除了为粮农组织抗微生物药物耐药性应对工作设定框架之外,粮农组织成员国以及现有和潜在的资源合作伙伴还可以通过本文件了解到粮农组织今后五年的工作方式和目标。

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