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Mariculture as a method of using coastal zones

Sivalingam, S. 1981. Mariculture as a method of using coastal zones. Malindi (Kenya). 9 p.

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    Book (series)
    Mapping coastal aquaculture and fisheries structures by satellite imaging radar
    Case study of the Lingayen Gulf, the Philippines
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    Inventory and monitoring of coastal aquaculture and fisheries structures provide important baseline data for decision-making in planning and development, including regulatory laws, environmental protection and revenue collection. Mapping these structures can be performed with good accuracy and at regular intervals by satellite remote sensing, which allows observation of vast areas, often of difficult accessibility, at a fraction of the cost of traditional surveys. Satellite imaging r adar (SAR) data are unique for this task not only for their inherent all-weather capabilities, very important as aquaculture activities mainly occur in tropical and subtropical areas, but essentially because the backscatter from the structure components allows for their identification and separation from other features. The area selected and object of the study has been Lingayen Gulf, sited in Northwestern Luzon Island, the Philippines, where all these structures of interest occur. F ield verification of the methodology resulted in the following accuracy: fishponds 95 percent, fish pens 100 percent. Mapping accuracy for fish cages was estimated at 90 percent and for fish traps at 70 percent. The study is based on interpretation of SAR satellite data and a detailed image analysis procedure is described. The report aims at the necessary technology transfer for an operational use of the approach indicated in other similar environments.
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    Development of Coastal Aquaculture, India 1986
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    Presented in the following discussions are summaries of conditions of fishfarms and brackishwater sites visited and suggestions for improving the engineering of coastal fishfarms in the country, (for existing, underconstruction and proposed farms). The various problems in relation to the engineering aspects of aquaculture in the eastern and western coasts were identified and suggestions, recommendations and solutions to problems, particulary in the engineering of the fishfarms visited, are pre sented. The lack or absence of a proper plan, workable designs, material and work specifications for the farms of India has obviously resulted in waste of money, time and effort. The fishfarms visited were seen to be in need of remodelling if to make them workable and economically viable as a production farm. The brackishwater sites have big potentials for development into fishfarms if with designs to suit the varied conditions of climate, tidal amplitude, wave and tidal influence, water qua lity and soil characteristics obtaining in the five site types 1.
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    Simple Methods for Aquaculture Trainig Course / Méthodes simples d'aquaculture - Formation / Métodos sencillos para la acuicultura - Curso de entrenamiento 2006
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    The five training manuals on Simple methods for aquaculture and the Handbook on small-scale freshwater fish farming presented in this CD-ROM have been produced by the Inland Water Resources and Aquaculture Service of the Fishery Resources Division, FAO Fisheries Department. These manuals are written in simple language and f ocus on the practical aspects of semi-intensive fish culture in fresh waters, from site selection and fish farm construction to the raising, final harvesting and marketi ng of the fish. They are primarily intended for extension workers, technicians and teachers, to help them present the practical aspects of freshwater fish farming to small-scale farmers in developing countries.

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