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Report of the Preparatory Technical Meeting on Propulsion in Fishing Canoes in West Africa.

Report Campbell R.J.;Preparatory Technical Meeting on Propulsion in Fisging Canoes in West Africa. Freetown (Sierra Leone) 15-18 Nov. 1986 Cotonou Benin 1987 91p.

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    Accidental death and destruction in artisanal canoes: a retrospective study of the years 1989-1991 along the coast of Guinea (Conakry) West Africa 1994
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    Fishing is well known to be a dangerous occupation, but little hard information has been gathered on the hazards of the artisanal canoe sector in West Africa. This report presents the results of a retrospective sea safety survey in Guinea, which covered the years 1989 - 1991. The investigation, commissiormed by the Guinean national working group on artisanal safety at sea and executed with technical assistance from IDAF, used a specially adapted accident case study questionnaire to gather info rmation for the relevant period from over 80 % of the marine artisanal sector in Guinea.At a national level, 225 major canoe accidents were documented in the study, revealing a three year death toll of 110 persons, 68 reported injuries, and equipment losses corresponding to US $ 285,000. For reasons explained in the text, the number of death is thought to be considerably under reported. The fatalities are about evenly divided between fishing boats and transport canoes. The calculated death rat e, all types of canoes combined, corresponds to 0,5 % of the 6894 registered fishermen dying each year in accidents at sea.Suggestions are presented with respect to national authorities undertaking similar analyses of their artisanal sea safety situation on an annual basis.
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    Book (series)
    Report of the Pilot Workshop on the Application of Biotelemetry to Fish Studies for the Management of Inland Fisheries in West Africa. Sélingué, Mali, 29 January - 10 February 2001. 2002
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    The Pilot Workshop on the Application of Biotelemetry to Fish Studies for the Management of Inland Fisheries in West Africa was held on the premises of the Office for Rural Development of Slingu (ODRS) in Slingu, Mali, from 29 January to 10 February 2001. The workshop was organized by the Institute of Research for Development (IRD, France), and in particular by its Bamako-based centre, in cooperation with the Institute of Rural Economy of Mali (IER) and the Office for Rural Development of Slingu , with the support of the University of Lige (Belgium) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The participants came from Benin, Burkina Faso, Cte d'Ivoire, Guinea and Mali. The aim of the workshop was to improve understanding of, and disseminate, biotelemetry, which is a very useful tool for the collection of the more precise information essential for improved sustainable management of aquatic resources.
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    Artisanal fisheries in West Africa; Report of the fifth IDAF liaison officers meeting 1991
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    With financial assistance from Denmark and in collaboration with the Republic of Benin, the Fisheries Department of FAO is implementing in West Africa a programme of small scale fisheries development, commonly called the IDAF Project. This programme is based upon an integrated approach involving production,processing and marketing of fish, and related activities;it also involves an active participation of the target fishing communities.This report is a working paper and the conclusions and r ecommendations are those considered appropriate at the time of preparation. The working papers have not necessarily been cleared for publication by the government (s) concerned nor by FAO. They may be modified in the light of further knowledge gained at subsequent stages of the Project and issued later in other series. The designations employed and the presentation of material do not imply the expression of any opinion on the part of FAO or a financing agency concerning the legal status of a ny country or territory, city or area, or concerning the determination of its frontiers or boundaries.

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