Report of the Workshop on Economic Strengthening of Fisheries Industries in Small Island
   Developing States in the South Pacific.  Apia, Samoa, 14–18 September 1998.

FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report. No. 596

Report of the Workshop on Economic Strengthening of Fisheries Industries in Small Island Developing States in the South Pacific
Apia, Samoa, 14–18 September 1998

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome 1999


Tietze, U.; Izumi, M. (eds).
Report of the Workshop on Economic Strengthening of Fisheries Industries in Small Island Developing States in the South Pacific. Apia, Samoa, 14–18 September 1998.
FAO Fisheries Report. No. 596. Rome, FAO. 1999. 44p.

This is the report of the Workshop on Economic Strengthening of Fisheries Industries in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the South Pacific, held in Apia, Samoa, from 14 to 18 September 1998. The workshop was organized and funded by the FAO Fishery Industries Division in cooperation with the FAO Subregional Office for the Pacific Islands (SAPA) which hosted the workshop. Messrs Masanami Izumi and Gilles Hosch, FAO SAPA, acted as Meeting Officer and Assistant Meeting Officer, respectively, while Drs D. Doulman, E. Ruckes and U. Tietze, FAO Rome, performed their duties as principal resource persons and technical secretary of the workshop, respectively.

The workshop was attended by 46 participants including participants and representatives of FAO member countries in the South Pacific, i.e., Fiji, Samoa, Cook Islands, Tonga, Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea, participants from non FAO member countries and territories such as Kiribati, Nauru, as well as representatives of regional organizations, institutions and donors such as the Forum Secretariat, the South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA), the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council (WPRFMC), the Secretariat of the Pacific Community, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), the New Zealand School of Fisheries, the Asia Pacific Rural and Agricultural Credit Association (APRACA) and the University of the South Pacific (USP).

The main issues which were addressed in the workshop included the enhancement and conservation of aquatic resources and environment as precondition for sustainable fishery industries development, the economically viable and sustainable management of fishery enterprises, the strengthening of aquaculture enterprises in the South Pacific, the promotion of fish utilization and trade, fisheries education and training, investment and credit support, the fiscal and regulatory environment of fishery enterprise development and the role of fisheries administrations in strengthening of fisheries enterprises.The workshop formulated a number of recommendations addressed to national Governments, regional organizations and bilateral and multilateral donors as well as proposals for follow-up activities and for better regional cooperation in strengthening fisheries industries in Small Island Developing States in the South Pacific.

Table of Contents






Opening Ceremony



Working Sessions



Introductory Sessions



Enhancement and Conservation of Aquatic Resources and Environment



Management and Strengthening of Fishery and Aquaculture Enterprises



Strengthening of Fish Utilisation and Trade



The Role of Education and Training in Strengthening of Fishery Industries



The Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries



Investment/Credit Support and Fiscal and Regulatory Environment for Fishery Enterprise Development



The Role of Fisheries Administrations in Strengthening of Fisheries Enterprises




Presentations by Donors, Regional Organizations and Countries






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ISBN 92-5-104285-3

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