CL 119/1 |
Hundred and Nineteenth Session |
Rome, 20-25 November 2000 |
1. Adoption of the Agenda and Timetable:) : for decision (CL 119/1; CL 119/INF/1; CL 119/INF/6)
2. Election of three Vice-Chairpersons, and Designation of the Chairperson and Members of the Drafting Committee: for decision (CL 119/INF/9)
3. State of Food and Agriculture 2000: for discussion (CL 119/2)
4. Report of the Twenty-sixth Session of the Committee on World Food Security (Rome, September 2000): for discussion and/or decision (CL 119/14)
5. Negotiations for the Revision of the International Undertaking on Plant Genetic Resources, in Harmony with the Convention on Biological Diversity: for discussion and/or decision (CL 119/7)
6. World Food Programme
6.1 Annual Report of the WFP Executive Board on its Activities in 1999: for discussion and/or decision (CL 119/3)
6.2 Election of Six Members to the WFP Executive Board: for decision (CL 119/4)
7. Programme Implementation Report 1998-99: for discussion and/or decision (C 2001/8)
8. Medium Term Plan 2002-2007: for discussion and/or decision (CL 119/17)
9. Reports of the Joint Meetings of the Programme Committee and the Finance Committee (May 2000 and September 2000): for discussion and/or decision (CL 119/8; CL 119/9)
9.1 Savings and Efficiencies in Governance
9.2 FAO Presence at the Country Level
9.3 Proposals for the Use of Arrears (CL 119/19)
9.4 Other Matters Arising out of the Reports
10. Reports of the Eighty-third (Rome, May 2000) and Eighty-fourth (Rome, September 2000) Sessions of the Programme Committee: for discussion and/or decision (CL 119/10; CL 119/11)
11. Reports of the Ninety-fourth (Rome, May 2000), and Ninety-fifth (Rome, September 2000) Sessions of the Finance Committee: for discussion and/or decision (CL 119/12; CL 119/13)
11.1 Status of Contributions 2000 (CL 119/LIM/1)
11.2 Budgetary Performance 1998-99
11.3 Support Costs
11.4 Change in Staff Regulation 301.0344 - Flexible Use of Education Grant Travel
11.5 Proposal for Split Assessments as a Means to Protect the Programme of Work and Budget from Currency Fluctuations.
11.6 Other Matters Arising out of the Reports
12. Report of the Seventy-first (September 2000) Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters: for discussion and/or decision (CL 119/5)
13. Other Constitutional and Legal Matters, including:
13.1 Invitations to Non-Member Nations to Attend FAO Sessions: for decision (CL 119/LIM/2)
13.2 Applications for Membership in the Organization: for decision (CL 119/16)
14. Calendar of FAO Governing Bodies and other Main Sessions 2001-2002: for decision (CL 119/6)
15. Any Other Matters
Information documents will be tabled on the following subjects*
A. | Summaries of the Main Recommendations of Regional Conferences held in 2000 (CL 119/INF/10) |
B. | Changes in Representation of Member Nations on the Programme and Finance Committees (CL 119/INF/5) |
C. | Implementation of Council Decisions taken at the 117th and 118th Sessions of the Council (CL 119/INF/7) |
D. | Update in the Preparation of the International Year of Mountains: Cooperation with Intergovernmental and Non-governmental Organizations (CL 119/INF/8) |
* Representatives wishing to comment on Information Documents will be given an opportunity to do so under Item 15. "Any Other Matters" as appropriate.