Crafting institutional arrangements for community forestry

Table of Contents

by James T. Thomson and Karen Schoonmaker Freudenberger




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Table of Contents


About the field manual

Chapter 1: Institutional issues in community forestry

Introduction to community forestry
Institutional issues in community forestry

Chapter 2: A systematic approach to studying institutional issues

Case study: The village of Garin Dan Djibo

Chapter 3: The characteristics of the resource and resource management incentives

Forest resources and their outputs: Goods and services
Resource characteristics
Categorizing outputs: Private, toll, common pool, and public goods and services

Private goods and services
Toll goods and services
Common pool goods and services
Public goods and services

Implications for resource management
Case Study: Analysis of resource characteristics in Garin Dan Djibo

Chapter 4: The characteristics of the community and resource management incentives

Key characteristics of the community

Historical factors
Social factors
Economic factors
Cultural factors

Implications for community forestry projects
Case study: Analysis of community in Garin Dan Djibo

Chapter 5: The characteristics of the rules and resource management incentives

Formal and non-formal rules
Working and non-working rules
The types of rules at work in the community

Operational rules
Collective decision-making rules
Constitutional rules

Implications for community forestry
Transactions costs
Gathering information about the rules system
Case Study: Analysis of the rules in Garin Dan Djibo

Chapter 6: Working with local populations to adapt institutions for more effective natural resource governance

Community/professional partnership in addressing institutional issues
Steps in institutional analysis and reform

Step 1: Defining the products that are involved in resource governance problems
Step 2: Analysing the characteristics of the products according to the framework developed in Chapter 3
Step 3: Analysing the community's capacity for collective action
Step 4: Analysing the rules systems in the community as well as outside rules that affect resource governance
Step 5: Identifying 'best bets' for improving resource management and the institutional adjustments that will be needed
Step 6: Planning and implementing institutional changes
Step 7: Managing institutional change and the consequences of change

Case study: Finding a solution to the problem in Garin Dan Djibo

Chapter 7: Complicating issues in institutional analysis

Incompatible interests within and among local communities

Dominance by a few powerful individuals or interest groups
Exclusion of women or minority interests
Competing factions based on economic interests

Complications arising from interests outside the community

Limitations on decision-making and enforcement at the local level
Bureaucratic imperatives: NGO and government staff



Appendix - 1. Participatory rural appraisal tools that may be useful in an institutional analysis
Appendix - 2. Worksheet for evaluating operational rules governing resource use


Acronyms and abbreviations

