Challenges of animal health information systems and surveillance for animal diseases and zoonoses

Challenges of animal health
information systems
and surveillance for
animal diseases and zoonoses

Proceedings 14

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome 2011


Animal Disease Surveillance is key to improving disease analysis, early warning and predicting disease emergence and spread. As a preventive measure, disease surveillance is aimed at reducing animal health-related risks and major consequences of disease outbreaks on food production and livelihoods. Early warning systems are dependent on the quality of animal disease information collected at all levels via effective surveillance; therefore, data gathering and sharing is essential to understand the dynamics of animal diseases in diverse agro-ecological settings to support effective decision-making to prevent disease and for emergency response. Animal Disease surveillance systems track zoonotic diseases and identify emerging diseases and as such, are recognised as a global public good to support improved animal and global public health.

Table of Contents





Group discussion and recommendations


Surveillance for the present and the future


Surveillance for animal diseases and animal health information management in Australia


Progress and challenges in official information systems for disease surveillance in Chile


Animal health information systems in Indonesia


Animal health information system in Viet Nam


Animal Resources Information System (ARIS) of the AU-IBAR


Global surveillance: suggestions for a strategic approach


Digital pen technology for animal disease surveillance in Southern Africa


Active surveillance of H5N1 HPAI using sms gateway in Bangladesh


Surveillance for rinderpest: beyond eradication


The german animal disease notification and information systems


SADC animal health and livestock network


OIRSA data collection system for animal and plant health


SIVCONT epidemiological information and surveillance system


REPIVET: epidemiosurveillance network of REMESA


Caribvet: a regional animal health surveillance network


SADC animal health and livestock network


Wildlife disease surveillance and reporting


FAO EMPRES-i Asia: regional animal disease information system for Asia


Information systems and surveillance for animal diseases in saarc countries


PROMED: global early warning system for animal, plant and human diseases


Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) in Australia and Indonesia


FAO/OIE FMD Reference Laboratories Information System: ReLais


OFFLU’s contribution to global animal influenza surveillance


BioPortal: a web-based system for global surveillance of animal diseases


Surveillance needs, tools and options: experiences between developed and developing worlds




Global Administrative Unit Layers (GAUL)


FAO wildlife disease surveillance


The OIE World Animal Health Information System (WAHIS)


Event management at WHO: an all hazards approach


The FAO/OIE/WHO Global Early Warning System


FAO EMPRES-i: an integrated tool for early warning and animal disease surveillance


List of participants

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ISBN 978-92-5-107034-5

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