RAP PUBLICATION 2013/13 Vol. 2
Implementation of port state measures Download Full Report 464 Kb |
Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing is a global treat to sustainable fisheries and to the management and conservation of fisheries resources and marine biodiversity. Port state controls are now recognized as an effective tool to combat IUU fishing. This has been reinforced with the development of the 2009 FAO Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing. This publication is a three-volume set of training materials to build the institutional capacity of fisheries, maritime, customs and port staff in undertaking port state inspections. Successful trainees are expected to gain confidence and skills in participating as part of a team in port inspections, both independently and in concert with other competent port control authorities. This volume provides guidance for trainers on conducting a training workshop, including breakout activities, workshop case studies and training notes.
Table of Contents