CGIAR Research Strategies for IPG in a Context of IPR SCIENCE

Report of the External Review
of the Systemwide program
on Alternatives to Slash and burn (ASB)

June, 2006

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The Science Council of the CGIAR encourages fair use of this material provided proper citation is made. Correct citation: CGIAR Science Council (2006) CGIAR Research Strategies for IPG in a Context of IPR. Rome, Italy: Science Council Secretariat.


222 kb SC Commentary on the ASB Review Report
260 kb Report of the External Review of the CGIAR’s System-wide Programme Alternatives to Slash and Burn (ASB)1

Findings and Recommendations (19/09/05)
Comments and Reactions from the ASB Team (23/09/05)

900 kb Evaluation and Impact Assessment of the Alternatives to Slash and Burn Program

Report Of The External Review Of The Systemwide Program On Alternatives To Slash And Burn (ASB)
Summary and Recommendations
1 Introduction.
2 What have been the impacts of ASB?
3 How effective and efficient has ASB been in performing its core functions?
4 How well has ASB been managed and governed?
5 What are the possible futures of ASB?
558 kb Tables and Figures