People's Participation Programme in Ghana. Post-Project Study. PP 10

Table of Contents

ISSN 1020-122X


Based on the work of Jeff Muller

Rome, 1995

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ISBN 92-5-103698-5

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Table of Contents



Executive Summary

1. Post-Project Study of PPP-Ghana
2. Project Background
3. Study Findings
4. Study Conclusions and Recommendations

I. Post-Project Study of PPP-Ghana

1. Purpose
2. Methodology
3. Difficulties Encountered During Field Research

II. PPP-Ghana Project Background

1. The People's Participation Programme
2. PPP Pilot Projects
3. The PPP Pilot Project in Ghana
4. History of PPP Group Formation
5. Factors Contributing to the Difficulty of Project Implementation

III. Study Findings

1. PPP Group Sustainability
2. Institutionalization and Replication of the PPP development approach
3. Benefits to PPP-Ghana Participants

IV. Study Conclusions and Recommendations

1. Benefits and Costs of PPP-Ghana
2. Sustainability and Future of PPP Groups
3. Institutionalization and Replication
4. PPP Development Approach
5. Recommendations



Appendix I: Country Background
Appendix II: Key Elements of the PPP Development Approach
Appendix III: Institutional Arrangements
Appendix IV: Group Formation, Membership, and Structure
Appendix V: Credit and Savings Component
Appendix VI: Issues Discussed with PPP-Groups
Appendix VII: PPP Groups Visited
Appendix VIII: Individuals Interviewed