Environment and Natural Resources Service No. 7
Sustainable Development Department

The Application of a Spatial Regression Model to the Analysis and Mapping of Poverty


Alessandra Petrucci
Professor of Statistics, University of Florence

Nicola Salvati
Project Assistant University of Florence

Chiara Seghieri
Project Assistant, University of Florence

Table of Contents

Rome, 2003

The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal or development status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

ISBN 92-5-104973-4
ISSN 1684-8241

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© FAO 2003

Table of Contents




List of acronyms

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. Methods for mapping poverty at subnational levels

Poverty mapping based on household survey and census data
Poverty mapping based on household survey and area indicators

Chapter 3. The data

Numerical comparison on the Ecuador data

Chapter 4. Spatial analysis

Spatial autocorrelation
Generalized spatial linear models

Chapter 5. Empirical estimation and predictions

Chapter 6. Asimple simulation

Chapter 7. Conclusions


Annex A. Tables and maps

Table A.1. Comparison between probit and spatial probit in the headcount index and in the percentage of poor people at county level, total sample
Table A.2. Comparison between probit and spatial probit in the headcount index and in the percentage of poor people at county level, rural sample
Table A.3. Comparison between probit and spatial probit in the headcount index and in the percentage of poor people at county level, urban sample

Annex B. Changing the definition of poverty line

Annex C. R programmes

Annex D. Maps and tables of administrative borders and environmental variables

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