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World livestock production systems Current status, issues and trends |
Carlos Seré and Henning Steinfeld
in collaboration with
Jan Groenewold
The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
ISBN 92-5-103812-0
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. Applications for such permission, with a statement of the purpose and extent of the reproduction, should be addressed to the Director, Publications Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.
Originally this document was produced as part of a multi-donor study entitled “Interactions between Livestock and the Environment - Global Prospects and Perspectives”. In order to provide a uniform platform livestock production systems had to be classified and quantified to serve as a basis for the analysis of the interactions between these systems and various facets of the environment.
When undertaking this task it soon became apparent that data weaknesses posed a serious constraint to such effort which may be the reason no such quantification had been attempted thus far. Missing data had to be substituted by assumptions and best estimates, all of which certainly leaves room for future improvements. It also points to a general lack of quantitative information on the livestock sector, part of which can be explained by the complexity of the subject. It is clear, however, that the obtained quantitative information on the importance and structure of the livestock production systems of the world and resulting trends is an enormous help in analyzing sectoral issues and in identifying priorities in livestock development.
Such work has relevance beyond its originally intended use for the livestock environment study. It can help national and international organizations and professionals in finding orientation in the world's livestock sector that is becoming increasingly complex. This work is now made available to the interested public because there is a recognized need for quantitative information on livestock production systems. As it stands the study could provide enough guidance in the initial phases. In many aspects this study is a “first shot” and will need to be improved as the database will be enlarged and the methodology will be upgraded. Any further suggestions are thus welcome to assist FAO in providing a revised version of this document in the not too distant future.
T. Fujita
Animal Production and Health Division
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
This report describes work undertaken on the classification and characterization of livestock production systems within the framework of the Global Study on Interactions between Livestock and the Environment - Global Prospects and Perspectives coordinated by FAO, the World Bank and USAID. Dr. Amir Kassam, TAC Secretariat, contributed his extensive expertise on the agroecozone classification of the world. Mr. Jan Groenewold assisted throughout the study with computations and searched empirical data on systems' distributions across the globe. Ms. Gabriela Couto also helped in the lengthy computational procedures. Ms. Christine Ellefson-Tavella undertook the laborious editorial work. The inputs of many others within and outside FAO, who reviewed drafts and contributed to the discussions are gratefully acknowledged.
Carlos Seré and Henning Steinfeld
November 1995
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Rome, © FAO 1996
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2.1 Objective and Scope
2.2 Approach and Data
2.3 Definitions Used
3.1.1 Temperate Zones and Tropical Highlands (LGT)
3.1.2 Humid and Sub-humid Tropics and Sub-tropics (LGH)
3.1.3 Arid and Semi-arid Tropics and Sub-tropics (LGA)
3.2.1 Temperate Zones and Tropical Highlands (MRT)
3.2.2 Humid and Sub-humid Tropics and Sub-tropics (MRH)
3.2.3 Arid and Semi-arid Tropics and Sub-tropics (MRA)
3.3.1 Temperate Zones and Tropical Highlands (MIT)
3.3.2 Humid and Sub-humid Tropics and Sub-tropics (MIH)
3.3.3 Arid and Semi-arid Tropics and Sub-tropics (MIA)
3.4.1 Monogastric Production System (LLM)
3.4.2 Ruminant Production System (LLR)
Table 1 Livestock Grassland Temperate and Tropical Highlands System (LGT)
Table 2 Livestock Grassland Humid and Sub-humid Tropics and Sub-tropics System
Table 3 Livestock Grassland Arid and Semi-arid Tropics and Sub-tropics System
Table 4 Mixed Rainfed Temperate and Tropical Highlands System (MRT)
Table 5 Mixed Rainfed Humid and Sub-humid Tropics and Sub-tropics System (MRH)
Table 6 Mixed Rainfed Arid and Semi-arid Tropic and Sub-Tropics System (MRA)
Table 7 Mixed Irrigated Temperate and Tropical Highlands System (MIT)
Table 8 Mixed Irrigated Humid and Sub-humid Tropic and Sub-tropics System (MIH)
Table 9 Mixed Irrigated Arid and Semi-arid Tropics and Sub-tropics System (MIA)
Table 10 Landless Livestock Monogastric Production System (LLM)
Table 11 Landless Livestock Ruminant Production System (LLR)
Table 12 Human Population in Livestock Production Systems
Table 13 Grazing Land in Livestock Production Systems
Table 14 Arable Land in Livestock Production Systems
Table 15 Irrigated Land in Livestock Production Systems
Table 16 Cattle Stocks in Livestock Production Systems
Table 17 Beef and Veal Production in Livestock Production Systems
Table 18 Buffalo Stocks in Livestock Production Systems
Table 19 Buffalo Meat Production in Livestock Production Systems
Table 20 Sheep and Goat Stocks in Livestock Production Systems
Table 21 Sheep and Goat Meat Production in Livestock Production Systems
Table 22 Dairy Cattle Stocks in Livestock Production Systems
Table 23 Dairy Cows' Milk Production in Livestock Production Systems
Table 24 Total Milk Production in Livestock Production Systems
Table 25 Other Milk Production in Livestock Production Systems
Table 26 Pigmeat Production in Livestock Production Systems
Table 27 Poultry meat Production in Livestock Production Systems
Table 28 Egg Production in Livestock Production Systems
Table 29 Milk Yield (Milk Production/Dairy cows) in Livestock Production Systems
Table 30 Animal Unit Weighting Factors
Table 31 Annual Growth Rates of Livestock Production Systems
Figure 1 Classification of world livestock production systems
Figure 2 Data processing for system quantification
Figure 3 Data flows for the quantification of livestock production systems
Figure 4 Importance of grassland-based systems in different world regions
Figure 5 Importance of mixed rainfed systems in different world regions
Figure 6 Importance of mixed irrigated systems in different world regions
Figure 7 Importance of landless farming systems in different world regions
AEZ | Agro-ecological zone |
AGROSTAT | FAO Information System for Agricultural Statistics |
ASIA | Asia (excl. Near East) |
CGIAR | Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research |
CIS | Commonwealth of Independent States |
CSA | Central and South America |
DM | Dry Matter |
E.EUROPE | Eastern Europe |
EU | European Union |
FAO | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations |
GATT | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade |
GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
LDC | Least Developed Countries |
LGA | Livestock Grassland Arid Semi-Arid Tropics and Subtropics |
LGH | Livestock Grassland Humid/Sub-humid Tropics |
LGP | Length of Growing Period |
LGT | Livestock Grassland Temperate and Tropical Highlands |
LLM | Livestock Landless Monogastric |
LLR | Livestock Landless Ruminant |
LPS | Livestock Production System |
LU | Livestock Unit |
MIA | Mixed Farm Irrigated Arid Semi-Arid Tropics and Subtropics |
MIH | Mixed Farm Irrigated Humid/Sub-humid Tropics |
MRA | Mixed Farm Rainfed Arid Semi-Arid Tropics and Subtropics |
MRH | Mixed Farm Rainfed Humid/Sub-humid Tropics |
MRT | Mixed Farm Rainfed Temperate and Tropical Highlands |
MT | Metric Tonnes |
OECD | Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - member countries (excluding Turkey) |
OTHER DEVELOPED | Other Developed Countries (Israel and Republic of South Africa) |
SSA | sub-Saharan Africa |
TAC | Technical Advisory Committee |
USAID | United States Agency for International Development |
WANA | West Asia and North Africa |