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WORKING PAPERS - BOBP/WP/45 Further Development Of Beachlanding Craft In India And Sri Lankaby |
Executing Agency: FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Funding Agency: SWEDISH INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Development of Small-Scale Fisheries in the Bay of Bengal. Madras, India, July 1986. |
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© FAO 2004
This paper describes eight new prototypes of beachlanding craft developed by the small-scale fisheries project of the Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP). It also describes the technical trials of the craft with emphasis on surf crossing abilities. This working paper is a sequel to BOBP/WP/7, �Technical Trials of Beachcraft Prototypes in India� which described BOBP�s first trials of four prototypes. |
3.1 IND-18/19
3.2 IND-20
3.3 IND-21
3.4 IN 0-23/24
3.5 IND-25
3.6 SRL-11
3.7 SRL-12
3.8 SRL-14
1. Main dimensions of BOBP beachianding craft
2. Powering details of BOBP beachlanding craft
1. The effect of hullshape
2. Broaching - the critical phase
3. Engine installation
4. IND-18 General Arrangement
5. IND-20B General Arrangement
6. IN 0-21 General Arrangement
7. IN 0-24 General Arrangement
8. IN 0-25 General Arrangement
9. SRL-11 General Arrangement
10. SRL-12 General Arrangement
11. SRL-l4GeneralArrangement
1. Summary of performance of IND-20 in Andhra Pradesh
2. Estimated costs and earnings of IND-20B
3. Monthly catches, costs and earnings of SRL-1