Unasylva - No. 105 - The United States timber outlook

Table of Contents

Vol. 26

Summer 1974

An international journal of forestry and forest industries

FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Rome

T. M. Pasca, editor

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Table of Contents

H. R. Josephson and Dwight Hair
The situation and trends for timber in the United States

Samuel H. Kunkle
Water - its quality often depends the forester

John Sessions
Logging techniques in the mountains of Jamaica

Colin Fraser
Avalanches - lessons in defence and control

A. D. Miller
Pinus radiata in Ecuador its ecology and growth

Götz Schürholz
Immobilizing a wild animal changes the behaviour within the group

Unasylva - Again available to old and new readers

The world of forestry

Wood-based panels world consultation to be held in India
Totally closed white-water system in a fibreboard mill
Collecting firewood in Niger
United States: Youth for conservation
ATIBT in Abidjan: Industries and trade group looks to its resources
A British society changes its name
North American quarantine requirements
Libya: Lessons in sand dune fixation and afforestation

Legislation: New and amended

General forest legislation
Trade in and consumption of forest products
New industrial settlements. Functioning of industries
General wildlife legislation
Hunting regulations and game reserves


Meetings in Mexico and the Philippines emphasize the need for social awareness
Forestry scholarships offered by Honduras
Forestry faculty created at Malaysian university
Cameroon's ENSA puts stress on engineering, utilization
Industry experience added to Nigerian studies
Canadian forestry deans call for more financing



On the return of Unasylva
The information explosion and AGRIS forestry

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