Livestock to 2020
A 2020 Vision for Food, Agriculture, and the Environment” is an initiative of the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) to develop a shared vision and a consensus for action on how to meet future world food needs while reducing poverty and protecting the environment. It grew out of a concern that the international community is setting priorities for addressing these problems based on incomplete information. Through the 2020 Vision initiative, IFPRI is bringing together divergent schools of thought on these issues, generating research, and identifying recommendations.
This discussion paper series presents technical research results that encompass a wide range of subjects drawn from research on policy-relevant aspects of agriculture, poverty, nutrition, and the environment. The discussion papers contain material that IFPRI believes is of key interest to those involved in addressing emerging food and development problems. The views expressed in the papers are those of the authors, and not necessarily en dorsed by IFPRI. These discussion papers undergo review but typically do not present final research results and should be considered as works in progress.
The complete version of this document is available in PDF format (83 pp; 517 Kb) at this link: