An international journal of forestry and forest industries - Vol. 51- 2000/4
FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Editor: A. Perlis
Editorial Advisory Board
Forestry Department:
J. Ball, I.J. Bourke, S. Braatz,
S.A. Dembner, M. Morell,
C. Palmberg-Lerche, A. Perlis, L. Russo,
K. Warner, O. Souvannavong, M. Wilkie
Editing, design, graphics and desktop
publishing: Editorial Group,
FAO Information Division
Unasylva is published quarterly in English,
French and Spanish editions. Subscription
price: one year US$36.00, payable to the
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Cover photo: Sunset at Lake Mburu, western Uganda (FAO/17371/K. Dunn)
M.J. Spilsbury and D. Kaimowitz
The influence of research and publications on conventional
wisdom and policies affecting forests
T.K. Rudel, K. Flesher, D. Bates, S. Baptista and P. Holmgren
Tropical deforestation literature: geographical and historical
L. Alden Wily
Forest law in eastern and southern Africa: moving towards a
community-based forest future?
C. Palmberg-Lerche and S. Hald
Management of forest genetic resources: status and
F. Castañeda
Criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management:
international processes, current status and the way ahead
L. Hein
Impact of shrimp farming on mangroves along India's East Coast
M. Nieuwenhuis and N. O'Connor
Challenges and opportunities for small-scale tree nurseries in the
East African highlands