Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme
Integrating livestock, forestry and fisheries subsectors into the CAADP


Rome, 2006

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Part I (648 KB)

Executive Summary

Part II (168 KB)

Chapter 1 - Background

Part III (820 KB)

Chapter 2 - NEPAD's programme for agriculture - livestock, forestry and fisheries

Subsectoral interactions and contribution to CAADP

Part IV (372 KB)

Chapter 3 - Enhancing the role of livestock

Importance of livestock in African economies
Livestock populations by subregion and agro-ecological zones
The need to increase livestock production and productivity
Constraints to increased livestock production and productivity
Strategies and priority areas for livestock subsector development
Financial resource requirements

Part V (808 KB)

Chapter 4 - Integrating forestry

The current state of Africa’s forests and forestry
Environmental services of African forests
Key issues and constraints
Priority areas for intervention
Financial resource requirements
Part VI (704 KB)

Chapter 5 - Supporting fisheries and aquaculture

Current status of fisheries and aquaculture
Key development issues and constraints
A vision for African fisheries and aquaculture
Investment approaches and categories
Priority areas for investment
Summary of resource requirements and types of investment

Part VII (194 KB)

Total resource requirements of CAADP’s priority areas, 2002-2015
Share of livestock food products in agricultural GDP
Relative importance of agro-ecological zones for livestock production
Annual growth rates in meat, milk and egg production, 1993-2003
Estimated annual growth rates to acquire self-sufficiency by 2015
Trends in industrial roundwood production incl. projections up to 2020
Estimates of woodfuel consumption in Africa
Largest inland fisheries producing countries
Africa’s main marine fisheries producers
Ten biggest African aquaculture producers: last 3 years of recorded output
Total aquaculture production by environment
Trends in value of aquaculture by country
Foreign trade and food fish balance
Contribution of fisheries and aquaculture to NEPAD strategic objectives
Future scenarios for the fisheries subsector