Proceedings of a Workshop Held at Morogoro Hotel,
Morogoro, Tanzania, 20 - 24th March, 1995
L.R. Kurwijila, J. Henriksen, A.O.O. Aboud and G.C. Kifaro
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations Rome
Sokoine University of Agriculture
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Market orientation of small scale milk producers. Background and global issues
1. Introduction
2. Urbanisation and economic growth
3. Demand and market - the link between producer and consumer
5. How to promote a market oriented development - of the very complex dairy sector?
Milk supply to urban centres in Tanzania with particular reference to the city of Dar Es Salaam
1. Introduction
2. Methodology
3. Background of dairy industry development in Tanzania
4. The milk supply situation in Tanzania: The facts.
5. Milk supply and consumption in Dar es Salaam
6. Linking producer and consumer
7. Summary and recommendations
6. Conclusions
References:Dairy industry in Tanzania and the prospect for small scale milk producers
1. Introduction
2. Methodology
3. Cattle herd composition and geographical distribution
4. Milk production and demand projections
5. Milk marketing channels in Tanzania
6. Temporal and spatial analysis of milk price in Tanzania
7. Conclusions
ReferencesDairy production system in Ethiopia
1. Introduction
2. Major constraint dairy development system in Ethiopia.
ReferencesELCT - Promotion of dairy farming by heifer distribution in Tanzania
1. Introduction
2. ELCT mission
3. Objectives of the dairy farming project:
4. Methods:
5. Achievements:
6. Future plans
7. AcknowledgementsLessons learnt from TechnoServe's experience with small scale milk processing in Tanzania.
1. Introduction
2. The market
3. Group organisational considerations
4. StrategiesCredit facilities and heifer supply within the Kagera livestock development programme - Tanzania
1. Introduction
2. Smallholder dairy farming in Kagera
3. KALIDEP achievements:
4. Dairy cattle numbers and milk production:
5. Extension and technical services:
6. Economic contribution:
7. Economic impact on women:
References1. Introduction
2. Our clients
3. Animal genetic resources
4. Animal health management
5. Feed resources
6. Technology adoption
7. Policy and institutional environments
8. Conclusions
1. Introduction
2. Extension service
3. Assistance by TechnoServe
4. Observations and discussion.
5. Suggestions and conclusion
ReferencePrivatisation and livestock owners organisation in Kagera
1. Activities and actors
2. Primary livestock societies versus individual entrepreneurs:
3. Primary livestock societies versus primary crop societies:
4. Activities covering the whole region
5. Kagera experiences with livestock primary societies:
6. Economic activities:Milk producers role, needs and response to market demands and conditions in Zanzibar.
1. Introduction
2. Present status of livestock in Zanzibar
3. Effect of policy changes on marketing of locally produced milk and milk products:
4. Milk production systems:
5. Milk production potential and future prospects.
6. Milk marketing
7. Conclusion
ReferencesMilk producer marketing groups in Uganda
1. Introduction
2. Background
3. Development of producer marketing groups in Uganda
4. Strategies adopted
5. Producer marketing groups and government dairy sector policy
6. Conclusions
References1. Introduction
2. The Serengeti dairy co-operative society, Bunda district
3. The Mwakaleli dairy co-operative society (MDCS)
4. Conclusions
5. AcknowledgementGroup formation and organisation for small scale milk producer under Jinja Heifer project
1. Introduction
2. Project outline
3. Process of group formation
4. Group membership
5. Group leadership
6. Activities undertaken by the groups
7. Planned structure for group organisation and function
8. Planned future activities
The role of cultured milk products in developing countries
1. Evolution of dairy development in warm countries.
2. Transition from traditional fermented milk to cultured milk with requisite quality standards.Milk processing requirements for satisfying the demand for milk in Malawi
Parastatal processing
Traditional processing methods and their potential for improvements and commercialisation
Sanitary and hygienic related issues in milk marketing.
ConclusionMilk processing requirements for satisfying the demand for various dairy products in Tanzania
Milk quality and Marketing
Fermented milk
Milk/Blood mixture
Organisational set-up and training
ReferencesPersonal experiences with the promotion of milk processing in developing countries
1. Initial of dairy development in Nepal, 1952-1964.
2. Dairy development in Madagascar, 1964-1974.
3. Training and extension in the department of food technology & applied human nutrition (DFTN) at the university of Nairobi, 1974-1989.
4. Experiences in South America, 1992 and 1994.
Coastal sub-humid East Africa: Potential and limitations of a new dairy Hinterland
A tale of two cities: Dairy consumption in Mombasa, Kenya and Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania
The policy environment: Framework for market development
Kenya and Mombasa
Comparison of Mombasa and Dar-es-Salaam dairy markets
Conclusion: Dairy market development strategies and institutional support
ReferencesTrends in milk marketing for small scale producers in Zambia
Impact of marketing liberalization on dairy marketing and the dairy marketing system in Kenya
I: Background
II: Dairy marketing in Kenya
Ill: Dairy marketing system in Kenya
IV: Summary and conclusions
Formal and informal marketing channels in the marketing system for milk in Hai district
Results and discussion
Producer prices
Timeliness in effecting payments to producers
Consumer prices
Marketing costs and margins
ReferencesAlternatives to a parastatal marketing monopoly
1.0 Introduction
2.0 History of the dairy industry in Tanzania
3.0 Present demand of supply of milk and milk products.
4.0 Policy on milk marketing
5.0 The performance of TDL
6.0 Current milk marketing systems in Tanzania
7.0 Recommended alternative to monopoly milk marketing
8.0 The role of ministry of agriculture
9.0 ConclusionDairying in southern highlands of Tanzania: Marketing problems prospects
A. Production of marketable milk
B. Producer organisations:
C. Marketing systems