Applying Reduced Impact Logging to Advance Sustainable Forest Management

Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission

International Conference Proceedings
26 February to 1 March 2001
Kuching, Malaysia

Edited by

Thomas Enters
Patrick B. Durst
Grahame B. Applegate
Peter C.S. Kho
Gary Man

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Bangkok, Thailand

Table of Contents

The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

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Cover photos: Kuswata Kartawinata, Francis Ng, Reidar Persson and Thomas Enters

For copies of the report, write to:

Patrick B. Durst
Senior Forestry Officer
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
39 Phra Atit Road
Bangkok 10200
Tel: (66-2) 697 4000
Fax: (66-2) 697 4445
Email: [email protected]

© FAO 2002
ISBN 974-7946-23-8

Table of Contents



1. Introduction - Thomas Enters and Patrick B. Durst

2. Reduced impact logging: concepts and issues - Dennis P. Dykstra

3. Impediments to the adoption of reduced impact logging in the Indonesian corporate sector - A.W. Klassen

4. Helicopter harvesting in the hill mixed dipterocarp forests of Sarawak - Danny Chua Kee Hui

5. Forest harvesting roads: meeting operational, social and environmental needs with efficiency and economy - C.H. Wells

6. Reduced impact logging in Bhutan - Ugyen Thinley

7. Simple measures with substantial impact: implementing RIL in one forest concession in East Kalimantan - Alexander Hinrichs, Rolf Ulbricht, Budi Sulistioadi, Yosep Ruslim, Irwan Muchlis and Djwa Hui Lang

8. Why minimum diameter cutting alone cannot fit with RIL objectives - Plinio Sist, Jean-Guy Bertault and Nicolas Picard

9. Recent advances in training strategy development in support of RIL implementation - Napoleon T. Vergara

10. Improving forest harvesting practices through training and education - Ross Andrewartha

11. Directional tree felling training program: an association’s approach - Peter C.S. Kho and Barney S.T. Chan

12. Forest harvest training - The Sumalindo Project - D. Ed Aulerich and Jefri R. Sirait

13. Reduced impact logging: does it cost or does it pay? - Wulf Killmann, Gary Q. Bull, Olaf Schwab and Reino E. Pulkki

14. Financial assessment of reduced impact logging techniques in Sabah, Malaysia - John Tay, John Healey and Colin Price

15. Financial indicators of reduced impact logging performance in Brazil: case study comparisons - Thomas P. Holmes, Frederick Boltz and Douglas R. Carter

16. Financial and economic analyses of conventional and reduced impact harvesting systems in Sarawak - Aaron Ago Dagang, Frank Richter, B. Hahn-Schilling and Penguang Manggil

17. Financial costs of reduced impact timber harvesting in Indonesia: case study comparisons - Grahame B. Applegate

18. The financial benefits of reduced impact logging: saving costs and the forest A case study from Labanan, East Kalimantan - Muhandis Natadiwirya and Martti Matikainen

19. Improving occupational safety and health: the International Labour Organization’s contribution - Peter Blombäck

20. Safety and occupational health in forestry operations in Australia - Changes in approach through time - Robert McCormack

21. Reduced impact logging in Sarawak, Guyana and Cameroon - the reasons behind differences in approach - W.B.J. Jonkers

22. Building partnerships - Tasmania’s approach to sustainable forest management - Graham R. Wilkinson

23. Progress towards RIL adoption in Brazil and Bolivia: driving forces and implementation successes - Geoffrey M. Blate, Francis E. Putz and Johan C. Zweede

24. Implementing reduced impact logging in the Alas Kusuma Group - Nana Suparna, Harimawan and Gusti Hardiansyah

25. Outcome-based regulations to encourage reduced impact logging - Chris P.A. Bennett

26. Trading forest carbon to promote the adoption of reduced impact logging - Joyotee Smith and Grahame Applegate

27. Addressing the gap between the theory and practice of reduced impact logging - Simon Armstrong and Chris Inglis

28. Incremental cost of complying with criteria and indicators for achieving sustainable forest management - Mohd Shahwahid H.O., Awang Noor A.G., Ahmad Fauzi P., Abdul Rahim N., Salleh M., Muhammad Farid, A.R., Mohammad Azmi M.I. and Amir S.

29. Policies, strategies and technologies for forest resource protection - William B. Magrath and Richard Grandalski

30. Cautious optimism but still a long way to go - Thomas Enters and Patrick B. Durst

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