Edited by
Albert Myrseth
Fisheries Planner
Consulting Engineers, Architects
Management Consultants and Economists
Oslo, Norway.
Rome, November 1985
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� FAO 1981
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1.1 Introduction to Canning
1.2 Selection of Thermal Processing Conditions
1.3 Heat Resistance of Bacterial Spores
1.4 Lethality of Heat During Heating and Cooling
1.5 Calculating Fo Values
2.1 Fish and Other Marine Foods
2.2 Fish Handling
2.3 Ingredients and Additives
2.4 Packaging Materials
5.1 General Canning Equipment
5.2 Equipment for Canning Tuna
5.3 Equipment for Canning Sardines
5.4 Equipment for Canning Fish Paste Products
8.1 Requirements for Water and Energy
8.2 Requirements for Material Handling Equipment
8.3 Quality Control Facilities
8.4 Other Services
8.5 Maintenance
8.6 Labour