Foreword [290 KB]
List of acronyms
List of tables
List of figures
List of boxes
Part I [49 KB]
Goals of the report
Organization of the report
Part 2 [166 KB]
Water, agriculture and rural livelihoods
The livelihoods perspective
Rural livelihoods in transition
New dynamics related to rural livelihoods
Implications for rural water strategies
Increasing agricultural productivity and impact on rural households
Water: access, control and management
The debate about irrigation and poverty reduction
The critical role of institutional reforms
Agriculture and rural poverty in sub-Saharan Africa
Performance of agriculture in the region
Adopting a broader approach to water control in agriculture
Key challenges and issues for the region: a long-term perspective
Part 3 [3,941 KB]
Mapping poverty, water and agriculture In sub-Saharan Africa
[Section 1: 566 Kb] – [Section 2: 778 KB]– [Section 3: 1,465 KB] – [Section 4: 1,248 KB]
Population, natural resources and agriculture
Overview of agricultural water management in the region
Mapping rural poverty in sub-Saharan Africa
Child malnutrition as an indicator of poverty
Measuring and mapping rural poverty
Mapping livelihoods in rural areas
From farming system mapping to livelihood zoning
Main livelihood zones and their relation to water in sub-Saharan Africa
Analysing poverty, water and agriculture across livelihood zones
Rural poverty
Agriculture and water
Irrigation and water resources
Assessing the potential for poverty reduction through water interventions
Prevalence of poverty
Water as a limiting factor for rural livelihoods
Potential for water intervention
Priority for action
Part 4 [396 Kb]
Interventions in water to improve livelihoods in rural areas
Matching the specific needs of different groups
Options for interventions in water
Managing soil moisture at field level in rainfed areas
Investing in small-scale water harvesting infrastructure
Promoting community-based small-scale irrigation
Improving existing irrigation systems
Improving water control for peri-urban producers
Investing in water for livestock production
Facilitating multiple use of water
Essential conditions for success
Ensuring enabling governance and policies
Securing access to markets
Physical infrastructure
Land tenure and water rights
Preventing soil degradation and restoring fertility
Providing targeted subsidies and adapted financial packages
Investing in human capital
Adapting interventions to local conditions
Assessing investment potential
Concluding note
References [53 Kb]
Annex 1. Description of the livelihood zones used in the report
[54 Kb]
Annex 2. Methodology to assess investment potential [64 Kb]
[159 Kb]