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Rome, 2010
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Report- 1.9Mb
Key messages
Undernourishment around the world in 2010
The number of undernourished people has declined but remains
Countries in protracted crisis: what are
they and
Common features of countries in protracted crisis
National and international responses
to protracted crises
Analysis of aid flows to countries in protracted crisis
Towards ensuring food security in protracted
Technical annex
Table 1:
Notes |
Acknowledgements The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2010 was prepared under the overall leadership of Hafez Ghanem, Assistant Director-General, and the guidance of the management team of the Economic and Social Development Department. The technical coordination of the publication was carried out by Kostas Stamoulis and Keith Wiebe of the Agricultural Development Economics Division (ESA) while the technical editors were Luca Alinovi and Luca Russo of ESA and Dan Maxwell of the Feinstein International Center, Tufts University. The staff of the Statistics Division (ESS) generated the underlying data on undernourishment. This is the second year that SOFI has been jointly prepared by FAO and the World Food Programme (WFP). Nicholas Crawford and Sarah Laughton of the Policy, Planning and Strategy Division of WFP acted as technical coordinators for all contributions from WFP and provided valuable insights and advice as drafts were reviewed. The chapter “Undernourishment around the world in 2010” was prepared by the Economic and Social Development Department with key technical contributions from Luca Alinovi and Erdgin Mane (ESA). In the chapter “Countries in protracted crisis: what are they and why do they deserve special attention”, the section “Common features of countries in protracted crisis” was prepared by Dan Maxwell with contributions from Luca Alinovi and Luca Russo. The Global Information and Early Warning Systems (GIEWS) data considered in this chapter for the selection of countries in protracted crisis were provided by Kisan Gunjal of the Trade and Markets Division (EST). The section “How livelihoods adapt in protracted crises” was provided by Margie Buchanan-Smith, Susan Jaspars and Sara Pantuliano of Overseas Development Institute (ODI). The section “Gender issues in protracted crises” was contributed by Gabriel Rugalema and Libor Stloukal with the support of Carina Hirsch and Joseph Ssentongo of the Gender, Equity and Rural Employment Division (ESW). The section “Learning from and building on community responses” was written by Karel Callens of the Policy and Programme Development Support Division (TCS), with contributions from Kevin Gallagher (FAO Sierra Leone), Luca Russo (ESA), Rene Salazar (SEARICE Sierra Leone) and Oriane Turot (ESA). In the chapter “National and International responses to protracted crises” the section “Analysis of aid flows to countries in protracted crisis” was written by Luca Russo and Winnie Bell (ESA) with statistics, analysis and support provided by Daniel Coppard and Asma Zubairi of Development Initiatives. The section “Humanitarian food assistance in protracted crises” was provided by Nicholas Crawford and Sarah Laughton, both of WFP, with an additional contribution (Box 6) by Saskia de Pee, Martin W. Bloem and Tina van den Briel on behalf of WFP. The section “Towards social protection in protracted crises” was written by Ugo Gentilini of the Policy, Planning and Strategy Division of WFP. The section “Using short-term responses to support longer-term recovery in agriculture and food security” was prepared by Jennifer Nyberg, Neil Marsland, Lucia Palombi and Dick Trenchard of the Emergencies Operations and Rehabilitation Divisions (TCE). The final section, “Success stories: the example of Mozambique”, was provided by Karel Callens (TCS), in collaboration with Margarida David e Silva and Christopher Tanner (FAO Mozambique). The final chapter “Towards ensuring food security in protracted crises: recommended actions” was prepared by Luca Alinovi and Dan Maxwell with contributions from Luca Russo. Contributions to Box 12 were provided by Nick Haan and Zoé Druilhe (ESA). Ricardo Sibrian produced Table 1 of the Technical annex with support from Cinzia Cerri, Seevalingum Ramasawmy (ESS) and Erdgin Mane (ESA). Initial projections were contributed by Rafik Mahjoubi and Panagiotis Karfakis (ESA). The editorial process benefited through invaluable comments, suggestions and inputs from Jean Balié (ESA), Boubaker BenBelhassen (ODG), André Croppenstedt (ESA), David Dawe (ESA), Bénédicte de la Brière (ESA), Xiaoning Gong (ESS), David Hallam (EST), Arif Husain (WFP), Henri Josserand (EST), David Marshall (ESS), Steven Were Omamo (WFP), Terri Raney (ESA), Alexander Sarris (EST), Shahla Shapouri of the Economic and Research Service of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Dick Trenchard (TCE), Jeff Tschirley (TCE) and Marcela Villarreal (ESW). The readability of the report was greatly enhanced by Paul Neate, who provided English editorial support. Daniela Farinelli provided excellent administrative support throughout the process. Helpful research and support was provided throughout the writing process by Lavinia Antonaci, Winnie Bell, Marco D’Errico, Erdgin Mane and Denise Melvin. The language editing, graphic and layout services were provided by Visiontime. Translations and printing services were provided by the Meeting Programming and Documentation Service of the FAO Corporate Services, Human Resources and Finance Department. |
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