Wood Fuel Flows

Rapid Rural Appraisal in Four Asian Countries

Field Document No. 26, August 1991

This document is the report of an International Training Workshop on Rural System Analysis. It contains four comprehensive studies on woodfuel flows, from the acquisition of the resource to its use. Woodfuel flows are identified by researchers in four participating countries (Nepal, Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand) using Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA). Chains in the flow are various groups of enterpreneurs who make their living from fuelwood and charcoal. Producers, who get the products from the natural resources, transform fuelwood into charcoal, or they might add value with transport and distribution. Traders also sometimes transform and distribute the woodfuel to the end-users. In each study the local specific channels, transformation techniques, distribution and uses of wood energy are presented.

The section on transformation includes the kiln types and tree-species used. Wood energy use is categorised into household, commercial (hotels, restaurants) and industrial purposes. The results from the four different countries are compared to each other in terms of similarities and constrains in resource allocation.

 Table of Contents
II.Wood Energy Flows, RRA Study in Pokhara, Nepal
III.Rural-Urban Dependence on Wood Energy in a Selected Area in Laguna Province, Philippines: A Rapid Rural Appraisal
IV.Rural-Urban Interdependencies in the Commercial Wood Energy System in Majalaya Sub-district, West-Java
V.Urban-Rural Wood Energy Interdependency in a District of Northeast Thailand
1.Rural Systems Analysis: Report of an International Training Workshop
2.The RRA Flow Studies and Wood Energy Development: Emerging Issues & Strategies

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Wood Energy Flows, RRA Study in Pokhara, Nepal
2.Wood Energy Entrepreneurs
3.Aquisition of Wood and Charcoal
6.The Use of Wood Fuel
7.Conclusions and Recommendations

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Rural-Urban Dependence on Wood Energy in a Selected Area in Laguna Province, Philippines: A Rapid Rural Appraisal
2.Overview of the Study Area
3.Major Findings
4.Summary, Implications and Recommendations

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Rural-Urban Interdependencies in the Commercial Wood Energy System in Majalaya Sub-district, West-Java
2.The Use of Wood Energy in Majalaya
3.The Production and Distribution of Wood Energy
4.Acquisition of Wood
5.The Role of Wood Energy in Meeting Energy Needs
6.Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

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Urban-Rural Wood Energy Interdependency in a District of Northeast Thailand
2.The Production System
3.The Distribution System
4.The Consumption System

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