Fao Expert Consultation on Policies for Animal Production and Natural Resource Management Brasilia, Brazil, 18-12 May 1998 |
The purpose of the expert consulation was to review of current policies that affect the management of livestock and natural resources, focussing on sub-regions and different agro-ecological settings and the identification of policy trade-off. Presentations/resource papers were delivered from each of the five different sub-regions of the Latin American/Caribbean region (Amazon/Brazil; Andean countries/highlands; Central American countries and Mexico; Southern Cone; Caribbean). The expert consultation also concentrated on the formulation of policy guidelines for incorporation into national policies, taking into account social, economic and environmental objectives. Policy guidelines were developed in small working groups with a sub-regional focus. Specific attention was given to the adequacy of policy guidelines for different natural resource issues (deforestation, degradation of grazing land, nutrient deficits in mixed farming systems, animal waste).
a. Livestock and natural resources in Latin America and the Caribbean - An Overview
b. The livestock-environment initiative: past, present and future
c. Research and development on mixed systems in the Andean ecoregion; an overview and institutional approach
d. Involution of mixed farming and grazing systems in the Andean countries
e. Livestock and deforestation in tropical Latin America - What can we do?
f. Smallholders, cattle and the internal drivers of deforestation in the Western Brazilian Amazon
g. Environmental and social reconversion of cattle raising in Colombia
h. Policies for teh sustainability of livestock systems in Central America in teh face of market changes and other land use opportunities
i. Agricultural trade policies in international trade agreements and their implications for the livestock industry in Latin America
j. Livestock agro-ecosystems- socioeconomic variables and sustainability
k. Intensive porciculture and the environment in Mexico. The present situation and perspectives
a. Working group on deforestation
b. Working group on mixed systems
c. Working group on trade issues and intensive systems