FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Report/FA0 Informe de pesca y acuicultura. No.964 Informe de la reunión consultiva regional de América Latina y
el Caribe sobre Proteger la pesca sostenible en pequeña escas Bringing Together Responsible Fisheries and Social Development
San José, Costa Rica, 20–22 October 2010
RESUMEN/ABSTRACT FAO. The Latin America and Caribbean Regional Consultative Meeting was one of three regional consultative workshops carried out as a follow-up to the 2009 inception workshop of the FAO Extrabudgetary Programme on Fisheries and Aquaculture for Poverty Alleviation and Food Security. The workshops built on the outcomes of the Global Conference on Small-scale Fisheries held in Bangkok in October 2008 and referred to the recommendations made by the 26th Session of the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI) in March 2009 with regard to the potential development of an international instrument and programme for Small-scale fisheries. The purpose of the workshops was to provide guidance on the scope and contents of such an international small-scale fisheries instrument and on the possible priorities and implementation modalities for a global assistance programme. It was organized around plenary presentations on key subjects and working group discussions. |
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