Centre de Recherches Océanographiques
de Dakar-Thiaroye, Sénégal
1–3 décembre 1993
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Ce document a été préparé par 'le rapporteur du Groupe de travail, Mlle Lena Westlund. Le texte se base sur les rapports nationaux presentés par les participants de la région et sur les analyses de coût/bénéfice qui ont été presentées et ensuite discutées dans le Groupe de travail.
Participants in the Session/
Participants à la Session
Members of CECAF/Membres du
Other countries and interested
national and international
organizations/Autres Etats et
organisations nationales et
internationales intéressées
CECAF Selector/Sélecteur COPACE
FAO Fisheries Department/
Département des pêches de la FAO
FAO Regional fisheries Officers/
Fonctionnaires des pêches dans
les bureaux régionaux de la FAO
Comité des pêches pour l'Atlantique Centre-Est. Rapport du groupe de travail ad hoc sur les aspects économiques de l'exploitation des sardinelles et autres espèces de petits pélagiques de l'Afrique du Nord-Ouest. COPACE/PACE Ser. N°94/59. Rome, FAO. 1995. 32p. |
La réunion du groupe de travail ad hoc sur les aspects économiques de l'exploitation des sardinelles et autres espèces de petits pélagiques de l'Afrique du Nord-Ouest a été organisée sous l'aimable hospitalité du Centre de recherches océanographiques de Dakar-Thiaroye (CRODT) du 1er au 3 décembre 1993, parallèlement au groupe de travail sur l'évaluation des stocks de sardinelles de la zone nord du COPACE. |
Les objectifs de la réunion ont été d'examiner la situation actuelle du secteur de la pêche aux petits pélagiques dans la région et de discuter sur les futures activités à entreprendre dans le domaine économique. |
Les petits pélagiques jouent un rôle important en Afrique de l'Ouest comme source de protéine alimentaire et pour la création d'emplois. La pêche à ces espèces est également importante car elle fournit du travail aux milliers de pêcheurs artisanaux, et génère des devises étrangères par l'octroi de licences aux flottilles industrielles et par l'exportation des produits. |
Les aspects économiques de l'exploitation deviennent d'autant plus importants que l'on constate que le niveau de l'utilisation de la ressource semble être limité plutôt par le marché que par la ressource elle-même. La réunion a constaté que les analyses de coûts/bénéfices et de taux de rentabilité interne sont essentielles pour que les économistes puissent contribuer réellement à la formulation des stratégies et des lignes pour la gestion du secteur des petits pélagiques. |
L'initiative du groupe de travail a été profondément appréciée et il a été recommandé que d'autres réunions techniques de ce genre soient organisées. |
Summary report of the CRODT/FAO/CECAF ad hoc Technical meeting
on economic aspects of the exploitation of sardinellas
and other small pelagic species off the Northwest African coast<
CRODT, Dakar 1–3 December 1993
The Director of the Centre de recherches océanographiques de Dakar - Tiaroye (CRODT), Dr Diafara Toure, welcomed the participants and opened the meeting. Dr Moustapha Kebe kindly accepted to coordinate the discussions.
The meeting was held at the same time and in the same place as a meeting to assess sardinella stocks in the northern zone of CECAF, so participants at both working groups were able to freely exchange information and data.
The participants in the meeting each presented a status report on recent trends in fishing activity with regard to small pelagics fisheries, and economic aspects associated with these fisheries, in Sierra Leone, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, The Gambia, Cape Verde, Senegal, Morocco and Mauritania.
Small pelagic fisheries play a key role in the Eastern Central and Southeastern Atlantic in providing a source of protein for many millions of people in the region, and in particular for export to countries bordering the Gulf of Guinea.
These stocks also provide the basis for giving employment to many tens of thousands of small scale fishermen using low cost canoes, providing the fish both to their local communities and for sale to nearby urban areas.
It was recognized that scientists and decision makers should aim for optimal management of these important stocks.
In recent years the pattern of exploitation has been changing as government owned fleets from Eastern Europe have been reducing their activity. Purse seiners based on ports such as Banjul, Dakar and Nouadhibou have also been finding it difficult to continue operations. On the other hand the canoes found along much of the coast have been increasing their catches.
Concern was expressed about the influx of individually owned and operated fishing vessels from Eastern European nations that now fish on charter for local operators, without any apparent check on their catch statistics either by the country where they are registered or by the country in whose waters they fish.
Morocco faces problems with displacement of sardine stocks to the south, and increased costs of exploitation. The market for sardine products is not expanding strongly. Generally the price of all small pelagic species caught in the region appears to be on a downward trend.
Whilst foreign influenced initiatives in industrial fishing have been declining there seemed to be no marked success in their replacement by locally owned ventures, in spite of an apparent overall under-exploitation of the stocks.
Government subsidies to both the industrial and artisanal sub-sectors were examined, and it was agreed that these should be linked to specific objectives with regard to profitability, and subject to close study; they should not aim to be continued for long periods. In this relatively rich fishing area the sector should be expected to be a net contributor to the national economy.
The flat sardinella sell at a lower price than round sardinella. Both sardinellas sold at a higher price in the early 1980s compared with the present time. The estimated value of the sardinella catch peaked in 1990 at FCFA 13.9 milliard (about US$ 48 million) but has since decreased to FCFA 10.2 milliard (about US$ 35 million) for approximately 340 500 metric tons in 1992. To give an idea of the rather low relative value of such a high volume fishery it was noted that the value of the Senegalese shrimp fishery was higher than the value of the whole sardinella fishery for the region.
Indicative costs and earnings of the main fishing units, notably the midwater freezer trawler, the inshore purse seiner in Morocco, the inshore purse seiner in Senegal and the canoe purse seiner were examined. Both the canoe purse seiner and Moroccan inshore purse seiner were found to be profitable, but the midwater freezer trawler was found to be particularly unprofitable.
The meeting noted that this was the first time economists had been associated with a CECAF working group on stock assessment and welcomed the initiative. It was recommended that further such technical meetings be organized, in addition to meetings to examine in detail the methodology necessary for, and results of, costs and earning studies, which were of prime importance if economists were to contribute effectively to formulation of policies and strategies for fishery management.
Participants from Senegal requested that modest funding be made available to carry out a repeat of the detailed costs and earnings study of artisanal fisheries that was made along the Senegalese coastin 1981/82, with funds from the CECAF Project.
The meeting recommended that FAO seek funding so that increased support can be given to the work of fishery economists, in this rich fishing area, and in particular with regard to their work on management of stocks which migrated through the waters of several countries.
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Annexe III Evolution des prix - Cap-Vert
Annexe IV Evolution des prix - Maroc
Annexe V Evolution des captures - Mauritanie
Annexe VI Evolution des prix - Sénégal
Annexe VII Exposé: Coûts de pêche
Costs of Fishing
Annexe IX Liste des documents techniques
Figures et tableaux
Figure 1 Prix à l'exportation des sardinelles au Sénégal
Tableau 1 Captures et valeurs des sardinelles
Tableau 2 Analyse coûts/bénéfices (exemple 1)
Tableau 3 Analyse coûts/bénéfices (exemple 2)
Tableau 4 Analyse coûts/bénéfices (exemple 3)