Guidelines for formulating national forest financing strategies


Guidelines for formulating national forest financing strategies

by Promode Kant and Simmathiri Appanah
with contributions from Joost Siteur and Andrew Steel

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Bangkok 2013


Forests provide fresh water, soil protection, carbon sequestration, and other valuable resources that forest-dependent communities have relied on for millennia. Quantifying these goods and services has been the focus of considerable attention in recent years. But even if we can agree on how much they are worth, how do we pay for such goods and services? Given that most of the forests in Asia and the Pacific region are state owned, mechanisms on ways to receive funds from outside national treasuries need to be sought taking account of the role of public institutions, the interests of local communities, payment for ecological services and promotion of private sector investment. This publication provides a set of guidelines for formulating national forest financing strategies to invigorate the forestry sector and enhance sustainable forest management.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Outcome of the four principal studies
Chapter 3: Guidelines for formulating national forest financing strategies
    Role and core concerns of governments and other public institutions in Asia-Pacific
        forestry sector – P. Kant
    Safeguarding the interests of rural communities in Asia-Pacific forestry
         sector – P. Kant
    Payment for environmental services in Asia-Pacific forestry sector – J. Siteur
    Incorporating the interests of investors in Asia-Pacific forestry sector – A. Steel

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ISBN 978-92-5-107476-3

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