This report presents a third party assessment and evaluation of the PHI/89/P16 Project on Improving the Status of Disadvantaged Women in Small-Scale Fishing Communities of Capiz and Pangasinan, Philippines. Specifically, the study was focused on the following:
* project's impact on the social and economic status of women beneficiaries with emphasis on economic activities, income and expenditures, credit and savings, living condition and fertility behavior and family planning practices;
* Project implementation and management efficiency
* Identification and documentation of the achievements as well as limitations and constraints of the Project; and
* Assessment of the sustainability and replicability of Project achievements and activities.
The study was completed with the use of both primary and secondary data. The secondary data were sourced from published and unpublished project reports and documents that were made available at the Project coordinating office in Manila and at the implementing Provincial offices of Capiz and Pangasinan. The primary data were gathered through interviews of key informants including project field staff, barangay officials, women group leaders and others and through an structured survey interviews of about 20% of all women who joined and remained members of the first batch of groups which were formed in Capiz and Pangasinan in 1990 and with another survey respondents consisting of 20% of the women who initially joined but drop-out from the Project.
Project Impact on the Socio-Economic Status of Women
The survey respondents that were used as basis for determining the Project impacts could be characterized as follows:
* Their ages range from 19 to 63 years with an average age of 41 years for participants and 36 years for drop-outs. The participants from Capiz are slightly older (43 years) than the participants from Pangasinan (36 years). The participants generally have passed the most fertile age of women,
* On the average, the women respondents have completed seven years of formal schooling or at leases have reached secondary education. A greater proportion of the Project participants completed high school than that of the dropouts.
* Household size of Project participants is slightly larger than the drop-outs.
Economic Activities
A clear indication of the Project impact is that all the women participants have engaged in at least one livelihood activity. This can be substantiated by the fact that many of the project drop-outs (29%) had remained plain housewives.
The most common economic activity the women participants have engaged in are fishery-based enterprises such as fish vending, processing and marketing, that are generally complementary to their respective husband's main source of income, i.e. fishing.
Income and Expenditures
A significant change on women's income and their share to total household's income was observed as a result of the Project. The women participants' average monthly income had increased by more than 200% from an average of P727 in 1990 to- P2,283 in 1993. Likewise, the proportional share of women's income to the total household income have also increased from less than 35% to at least 45%.
The average total household's annual income had increased from P28,551 in 1990 to P65,255 in 1993 for Pangasinan and from P22,122 in 1990 to P53,622 in 1993 for Capiz. For both provinces, the estimated increase in household annual income was about 133% which is quite significant. Even considering the effect of inflation' the real income of the households had increased by more than 100%.
The increase of the total household's income has been attributed to the greater contribution of women, as a result of their income generating projects that were supported by the Project.
In terms of household's expenditures, no significant changes have been observed. The basic food items remained to be a major household expenditure. The estimated total annual expenditures is comparatively less than the total annual income of the average household. The household's surplus income is either used as additional capital for IGPs or used for housing improvements as well as cash savings.
Credit and Saving Practices
Through the provision of guarantee funds, the Project was able to assist the disadvantaged women in coastal communities of Capiz and Pangasinan in establishing their respective IGPs. Through this assistance, the women were able to increase income contribution to their respective households and also they were able to acquire the habit of savings.
Fertility Behavior and Family Planning
The PHI/89/P16 Project has greatly contributed to improvements in family planning awareness and knowledge. But no significant impact on women fertility behavior and family planning practices may be expected considering that the first batch of Project participants have already passed the most fertile age of women. However, the IGPs of women in the coastal communities of Capiz and Pangasinan have supported the women's decisions to continue some form of family planning practices or in providing them a broader choice of methods or encouraging them to shift to more effective form of family planning.
Living Condition and Social Gains
Based on selected indicators such as ownership of land, residential houses, household facilities as well as transport, an observable improvements of living conditions of the women participants can be attributed to the Project. These are brought about by the increase of household income due primarily to the IGPs of women that were supported by the Project. Such an improvement in household income consequently enhanced family welfare.
In terms of social gains indicators, such as access to credit and social services, family welfare, self-confidence and self-esteem, respect to one's family, neighbors and community, among others, this present assessment and evaluation of the PHI/89/P16 confirms earlier reports. The Project contributed social gains in the targetted coastal communities.
Project Implementation and Management Efficiency
The PHI/89/P16 Project was implemented as a collaborative endeavor of various institutions such as UNFPA, FAO, GFIs, DOH, DABFAR, DSWD, DECS, POPCPM, CDA, NGOs and Provincial Governments of Capiz and Pangasinan. In the implementation, the role and functions of these participating institutions were clearly defined, and the complementary of functions to maximize efficiency had been emphasized.
The targetted women beneficiaries of Project interventions including group organizing, training assistance, technical assistance, credit assistance, family planning and health related services among others, have been successfully served.
In terms of the management of Project funds, particularly credit guarantee funds, the implementation of the Project appeared to be satisfactory. The credit fund utilization index was estimated to be 190%. As of August 1994, the total outstanding loans amounted to US$1103,367. Even if this amount will not be repaid, about US$105,478 of the total allocated guarantee fund of US$180,000 will still remain available.
Project Achievements and Limitations
The following have verified as achievements of the PHI/89/P16.
* Economic improvements in the selected coastal communities of Capiz and Pangasinan due to the introduction of IGPs, improvement of women's skills in the management of economic, enterprises, acquisition of capital assets and resources mobilization. Overall, the Project has influeced the increases of women's income and their contribution to total household income and family welfare;
* Social-related improvements which includes improved awareness of family planning and active participation in community activities;
* Formation of women groups and strengthening community relation and various group activities, e.g. community services as well as community political decision making.
Several but manageable limitations in the project implementation have been identified such as:
* Administrative problem on frequent replacement of Project staff may adversely affect smooth implementation of Project activities)
* Delay in the releases of credit assistance had created some doubts and disappointments among the targetted women beneficiaries;
* Inadequate monitoring and evaluation of Project activities, particularly the family planning interventions.
Sustainability and Replicability of Project Achievements '
* The sustainability of the, Project achievements will depend not only on the continued support of the Provincial Governments of Capiz and Pangasinan but also on the commitments of the women beneficiaries themselves., The creation of group volunteers formation of women group federation and the inclusion of the Project in the regular Provincial Governments programme will help sustain the Project achievements.
* The Project implementation strategy or approach through community-based participation can be replicated in other parts of both Provinces of Capiz and Pangasinan.