The EC-FAO Partnership Programme on Information and Analysis for Sustainable Forest Management: Linking National and International Efforts in South Asia and Southeast Asia is designed to enhance country capacities to collect and analyze relevant data, and to disseminate and up-to-date information on forestry, and to make this information more readily available for strategic decision making. Thirteen countries in South and Southeast Asia (Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam) participate in the Programme. Operating under the guidance of the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission (APFC) Working Group on Statistics and Information, the initiative is implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in close partnership with experts from participating countries. It draws on experience gained from similar EC-FAO efforts in Africa, and the Caribbean and Latin America and is funded by the European Commission.
Cover Design: Thomas Enters
Cover Photo: Masakazu Kashio
For copies write to: Patrick B. Durst, Senior Forestry Officer ,FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific ,39 Phra Atit Road, Bangkok 10200, Thailand
Printed and published in Bangkok, Thailand
© FAO 2002
ISBN 974-79-46-31-9
Information and Analysis for Sustainable Forest Management:
Linking National and International Efforts in
South and Southeast Asia
Tropical Forestry Budget Line B7-6201/1B/98/0531
in collaboration with
Forestry Department Headquarters, Rome
An overview of forest products statistics in South and Southeast Asia
edited by
Qiang Ma and Jeremy S. Broadhead
Impacts of key changes in forests and forestry in the region
Institutional changesGeneral assessment of current forest products statistics
Shifts in priorities and objectives
Shifts in sources of wood supply
Processing and trade of forest products
Broad differences among national information systemsMain constraints and key challenges
Institutional complexity and diminishing roles of government agencies in forestry statistics
Data flows in forestry
Decreasing availability of public information
Increasing demand vs. limited national capacityConclusions and recommendations
Fragmentation and duplication of efforts
Irrelevant and unutilised information
Collecting useful information
Increasing co-ordination and collaboration
Building capacity in statistics
National forest products statistics, Bhutan
IntroductionNational forest products statistics, Cambodia
Existing forest and forest products data
Data collected and methodologies used
Weakness and constraints in the current statistical system
The current forest resource base
Weaknesses and constraints in the forest products statistical system
Commercial timber and wood consumption
Markets for Cambodian forest products
National forest products statistics, India
The current forest products statistical system
Review of trade data
Weaknesses and constrains in the forest products statistical system
Recommendations to improve the forest products statistical system
Information sources
Forest Products Data, 1995-2000
National forest products statistics, Indonesia
Forest products data collected and methodologies used
Potential users of forest products statistics
National forest products statistics and FAO
Recommendations to improve the forest products statistical system
Appendix 1. Contact person
National forest products statistics, Lao PDR
Forest resources
Wood products supply
The wood industry
Forest products data collection
Available forest products data
Weaknesses and constraints in current statistical system
Recommendations to improve the forest products statistical system
National forest products statistics, Malaysia
Organisation of forestry sector statistics
Data types, sources and methods
Users of forest products statistics
Dissemination of forestry statistics
Weaknesses and constraints in the forest products statistical system
Recommendations to improve the forest products statistical system
Appendix 1. Agencies involved in wood-products related data
National forest products statistics, Nepal
Institutions involved in collection, analysis and dissemination of forest products data
Current and potential users of forest products statistics
Weaknesses and constraints in the current statistical system
Suggestions for improvement to the current statistical system
Appendix 1. Exchange rates of Nepalese rupee to us dollars
National forest products statistics, Pakistan
Review of wood consumption by sub-sector
Review of existing forest products related data
Methodologies for data collection, compilation, validation and dissemination
Weakness and constraints in current statistical system
National forest products statistics, Philippines
The current forestry statistical system
Forest products data collection, validation and dissemination
Uses and users of forestry statistics
Production and trade of forest products, 1996-2000
The reliability of forest products data
Weaknesses and constraints in the forest products statistical system
National forest products statistics, Sri Lanka
Non-forest timber resources
Agencies dealing with timber production, harvesting and processing
The current forest products statistical system
Weaknesses and constraints in the forest products statistical system
National forest products statistics, Thailand
IntroductionNational forest products statistics, Viet Nam
Forest resources
Sources of forest products data
Production and trade of forest products
Forest products data sources and collection methodologies
Forest products statistical publications in Viet Nam
Main weaknesses and constraints in the current statistical system
Recommendations to improve forest products statistical systems
Organisations involved in collection, analysis and dissemination of forest products data