Asia - Pacific Forestry Commission
Code of Practice for Forest Harvesting in Asia-Pacific
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok,
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Patrick B. Durst
Regional Forestry Officer
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
39 Phra Atit Road
Bangkok 10200
Printed by Thammada Press Co. Ltd., Bangkok, Thailand
© FAO 1999
ISBN 974-86669-4-8
1.1 Sustainable Forest Management
1.2 Development of the Code
1.3 Purpose
1.4 Scope and Coverage
1.5 Implementation
1.6 Stakeholder Roles in Implementing the Code
2. Staff and Stakeholder Competencies
2.1 Forest Harvesting Competency-Based Requirements
2.2 Minimum Competency Standards
3. The Need for Forest Planning
4.1 Site-Specific Forest-Use Planning
4.2 Planning Levels
4.3 Amendments to the Plans
4.4 Planning Staff
4.5 Plan Approval Process
4.6 Management Information Systems/Geographic Information Systems and the Planning Process
5. Planning Guidelines for Harvest Exclusion Areas
5.1 Production Forest
5.2 Buffer Zones and Protected Areas Protection
5.3 Watercourse and Buffer Zones
6. Guidelines for Roading and Watercourse Crossings
6.1 Roads
6.2 Watercourse Crossings
6.3 Log Pond and Wharf
6.4 Quarries
7. Pre-harvest Field Preparation
7.1 Tree Marking
7.2 Locating Log Landings and Skid Tracks
7.3 Skid Tracks
8.1 Supervision of Operations
8.2 Harvesting
8.3 Log Presentation
8.4 Extraction Systems
8.5 Log Storage and Transportation Systems
8.6 Weather Limitations on Harvesting
8.7 Log Scaling/Grading/Measuring
8.8 Log Ownership
8.9 Monitoring and Evaluation of Harvesting Operations
8.10 Post-harvesting Activities
8.11 Completion of Operations
9. Harvesting Equipment Maintenance, Servicing
9.1 Moving Equipment
9.2 Workshop Facilities
9.3 Toxic Waste
9.4 Main Fuel and Oil Storage
9.5 Field Servicing and Maintenance
9.6 Refuse Disposal
10.1 Camp Design Plans
10.2 Water Supply
10.3 Waste Disposal
10.4 Domestic Waste Water
10.5 Refuse Disposal
10.6 Water Ponding
10.7 Additional Facilities
11.1 Protective Clothing and Safety Equipment Requirements
11.2 Equipment Safety Requirements
Appendix 1: Workshop Participants and Code Reviewers
Appendix 2: Conversion Table for Slope Measurements