CL 131/4


Hundred and Thirty-first session

Rome, 20 � 25 November 2006

Rome, 25 � 29 September 2006

1. In accordance with Resolution 6/99 adopted by the 30th Session of the FAO Conference on 13 November 1999, the Council is required to elect six members of the WFP Executive Board for a term of office of three years from among FAO Member Nations.

2. For purposes of election to the Board, FAO Member Nations are divided into five separate lists (A, B, C, D and E) as shown on the FAO web site:
http: //

3. The Council will therefore be required to elect six members for a term of office expiring on 31 December 2009 to replace the ones whose terms end on 31 December 2006, i.e. Angola(A); Bangladesh(B); Syrian Arab Republic (B); Guatemala (C); Netherlands (D); and the United States of America (D).

4. Outgoing members are eligible for re-election.

5. A nomination form is given in Appendix A. The deadline for submission of nominations to the Secretary-General of the Council is 12.00 hours on Wednesday 22 November 2006. The election of the above six members will take place at the 131st FAO Council.

Term of office Expiring

Elected by
FAO Council

Elected by


31 December 2006

Angola (A)

Bangladesh (B)
Guatemala (C)

Netherlands (D)

Syrian Arab Republic (B)


France (D)

India (B)

Denmark (D)
Pakistan (B)
Russian Federation (E)
Senegal (A)


31 December 2007

Canada (D)

Congo (A)

Germany (D)

Haiti (C)

Niger (A)

Kuwait (B)

Australia (D)

China (B)

Cuba (C)

Ethiopia (A)

Norway (D)

Tunisia (A)


31 December 2008

Austria (D)
Colombia (C)
Slovenia (E)
Algeria (A)
Switzerland (D)
United Republic of Tanzania (A)1

Indonesia (B)

Japan (D)

Mexico (C)

Ukraine (E)

United Kingdom (D)

Zimbabwe (A)


31 December 2009


Cape Verde (A)
India (B)
Iran (B)

New Zealand (D)

Russian Federation (E)

Sweden (D)

1 This seat rotates between lists A, B and C as follows: List A (2000-2002), List B (2003-2005), List A (2006-2008) and List C (2009-2011).





To be submitted by 12.00 hours on Wednesday 22 November 2006


The Secretary-General of the Council
Room B-202

Date: ......................


The Delegate of ................................... (FAO Member Nation)


(Signature) .......................................


Wishes to nominate for List .....1/



for election to a seat on the WFP Executive Board for the term of office

1 January 2007 - 31 December 2009.


The Delegate of ...................................(FAO Member Nation)


(signature) .......................................


accepts this nomination


1/ Insert A, B, C or D as appropriate. Seats to be filled for 2007-2009 are:

1 from List A, 2 from List B, 1 from List C and 2 from List D.