FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. 515 Towards integrated assessment Prepared by Serge M. Garcia FAO Consultant Rome, Italy Edward H. Allison Neil Andrew WorldFish Center Malaysia Christophe Béné WorldFish Center Egypt Gabriella Bianchi Gertjan de Graaf Daniela Kalikoski FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department Rome, Italy Robin Mahon Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies Barbados and Lobo Orensanz Centro Nacional Patagonico Argentina |
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ISBN 978-92-5-106064-3
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© FAO 2008
Garcia, S.M.; Allison, E.H.; Andrew, N.J.; Béné, C.; Bianchi, G.; de Graaf, G.J.; Kalikoski, D.; Mahon. R.; Orensanz, J.M. Towards integrated assessment and advice in small-scale fisheries: principles and processes. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper. No. 515. Rome, FAO. 2008. 84p. Abstract The document presents the principles and processes for integrated assessment and advice in small-scale fisheries. The first chapter discusses failures of conventional assessment and management approaches. Chapter 2 presents the conceptual origins and principles of integrated assessment of small-scale fisheries. The framework is then introduced and places the assessment within the broader planning and management cycle. The final chapter discusses the implementation of the IAA framework. |
Failure of conventional assessment and management approaches2. Contextualizing the framework (Download 111 kb)
Why focus on small-scale fisheries?
What the framework offers
Target audience
Expected outcomes
Structure of the document
Conceptual origins3. Presenting the framework (Download 226 kb - 898 kb - 447 kb)
Fundamental principles
Overall framework4. Situating the framework within the planning and management cycle (Download 405 kb)
Scoping phase
Assessment phase
Advising and decision-making
Monitoring and evaluation
The policy and management cycle5. Towards implementation of the framework (Download 90 kb)
Roles of different stakeholders
The integrative challenge
Promoting the frameworkPart 3 (Download 447 kb)
Implementing the framework
Working across disciplines
Empowering stakeholders
How much complexity is enough?
Coherence with UNCLOS
Checks and balances
Chronic information deficit
Towards IAA implementation: next steps