A regional rice strategy for sustainable food security in Asia and the Pacific


A regional rice strategy for sustainable food security in Asia and the Pacific

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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Bangkok 2014


The 31st Session of the FAO Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific (APRC) held in Hanoi in March 2012 called upon FAO to coordinate the development of a rice strategy for the region. To respond to the call, the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific formed a special task force to formulate a rice strategy through the mobilization of its internally available technical expertise as well as an advisory group of eminent experts called “The External Rice Advisory Group (ERAG).” This publication presents the outcome of the task force. The main aim of the strategy document is to provide evidence-based strategic guidelines to member nations to help them (1) develop and adjust their rice sector strategies in the light of broader regional and global trends and national priorities and (2) choose among key strategic options while considering the implied trade-offs (or consequences). The outputs are presented in the form of strategic options and the implied trade-offs (or consequences) instead of being prescriptive. The intention is to enrich the strategy and policy formulation deliberations of member countries for achieving sustainable food security.

Table of Contents

Executive summary
    The setting
    Challenges and opportunities in regional rice sector development
    A vision for the rice sector
    Global rice demand and trade outlook
    Strategic objectives
    Key themes and options
    The way forward
Background and approach
Challenges and opportunities in regional rice sector development
A vision for the regional rice sector
Global rice consumption and trade outlook
Strategic objectives
    Objective 1 (Increase productivity, nutrition value and sustainability)
    Objective 2 (Enhance value chain and reduce post-harvest losses)
    Objective 3 (Mitigate/adapt to climate change and reduce risk)
    Objective 4 (Conserve environment and heritage)
    Objective 5 (Promote fair and efficient market and trade)
    Objective 6 (Improve organization of production, and empower youth and women)
Key themes and options
    Sustainable intensification of rice production
    Climate change mitigation/adaptation and risk management
    Environment and rice heritage
    Water and irrigation
    Smallholder farmers and farmer organizations
    Gender roles and empowerment of youth and women
    Food quality, safety and nutrition
    Value chains and post-harvest systems
    Policies on rice price, trade and stock
    Regional cooperation on rice
    Food and nutrition security in the Pacific Island countries
The way forward
    Technological innovations, investments in R&D and scaling up and out
    Policy and institutional innovations
    Investments in rural infrastructure
References and further reading

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ISBN 978-92-5-108192-1 (print)
E-ISBN 978-92-5-108193-8 (PDF)

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For copies write to:David Dawe
Senior Economist
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