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FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 508 Capture-based aquaculture Edited by Alessandro Lovatelli Fishery Resources Officer (Aquaculture) Aquaculture Management and Conservation Service FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department Rome, Italy Paul F. Holthus FAO Consultant Honolulu, Hawaii United States of America |
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ISBN 978-92-5-106030-8
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© FAO 2008
Lovatelli, A.; Holthus, P.F. (eds) Capture-based aquaculture. Global overview. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 508. Rome, FAO. 2008. 298 p. Abstract Aquaculture is a diverse and multibillion dollar economic sector that uses various
strategies for fish production. The harvesting of wild individuals from very early
stages in the life cycle to large mature adults for on-growing under confined and
controlled conditions is one of these strategies. This system, referred to as capture-based
aquaculture, is practised throughout the world using a variety of marine and freshwater
species with important environmental, social and economic implications. The need to
evaluate the sustainability of this farming practice in light of its economic viability, the
wise use of natural resources and socio-environmental impacts as a whole has been
extensively discussed at national, regional and international levels. |