Capacity building to implement good animal welfare practices


Capacity building to implement
good animal welfare practices

Report of the FAO Expert Meeting
FAO Headquarters (Rome)
30 September – 3 October 2008

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Rome, 2009

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Meeting participants

Declarations of interest

Abbreviations and acronyms

Executive summary


1. Introduction

     1.1 Background
     1.2 Process
     1.3 Scope
     1.4 Other considerations

2. Impact and benefits of good animal welfare practices

3. Culturally appropriate approaches

4. Science and research

     4.1 Fostering the application of animal welfare science
     4.2 Dissemination of scientific information
     4.3 Scientific assessment of animal welfare
     4.4 Science as a basis for standards

5. Standards and legislation

     5.1 Animal welfare standards and assurance programmes
     5.2 Legislation
     5.3 International standards and agreements

6. Capacity building for improving animal welfare

     6.1 Education
     6.2 Engagement and awareness building
     6.3 Training
     6.4 Communication

7. Strategies for implementing capacity building

     7.1 Animal welfare and corporate social responsibility
     7.2 Alliances
     7.3 Animal welfare, trade and market access

8. Key issues

9. Recommendations

References and other resources

Annexe A. Agenda of the meeting
Annexe B. Experts’ résumés
Annexe C. List of documents
Annexe D. List of relevant events to promote capacity building related to
                animal welfare

Annexe E. Background considerations

© FAO 2009