CL 128/INF/7


Hundred and Twenty-eighth Session

Rome, 20-25 June 2005


1. The Approved Methods of Work of the Council require that an information document be prepared for each Council session reporting on the implementation of the decisions taken at the preceding session (CL 60/REP, Appendix G, paragraph 7.8).

2. Listed hereunder are the decisions taken by the Hundred and Twenty-seventh Session of the Council and their implementation up to the date of going to press.

3. The text in the decision column includes the Agenda Item title underlined, the text of the Council decisions and a reference in brackets to the paragraph in the Council Report.




(Rome, 22-27 November 2004)






Promote renewed commitment and effort to meet the goal of the World Food Summit and the Millennium Declaration of halving hunger by 2015 (para. 6)

The Organization is organizing a Mid Term Review of the World Food Summit Plan of Action in 2006 with a Special Forum that will provide the basis for assessing progress made at the Thirty-first Session of the Committee on World Food Security.

Emphasize the need for strengthened and concerted efforts at the national, regional and international levels to accelerate progress towards the elimination of food insecurity in the world (para. 7)

The major publications, SOFI and SOFA, advocate that all efforts be exerted in reducing food insecurity. FAO continues in its efforts towards this end.

Continue monitoring the world food security situation while striving to improve up-to-date information collection and assessment methods (para. 7)

The Statistics Division organized an Expert Working Group (Rome, 24-25 February 2005) to revise reporting format and guidelines for the preparation of the report, including the identification of a set of relevant indicators.


Ongoing work on the methodology for the measurement and assessment of food deprivation and undernutrition was presented at a Workshop from 24-25 January 2005 as a follow-up to the 2002 International Scientific Symposium.


FAO has also continued to strengthen its food and agricultural data compilation and monitoring of food security. In so doing, a CD on “World Agricultural Trade Flows (WATF)” containing long-term statistical information up to 2003, was released. The inaugural issue of the FAO Statistical Yearbook, providing indicators on Resources, Production, Trade, Consumption, Prices, Distribution and Human Welfare, as well as Global Maps, was also released.


FAO has also continued efforts to modernize FAOSTAT by the end of 2005, and is conducting pilot implementations of its new country version, CountrySTAT.

Continue soliciting additional international resources in emergencies to avert famine situations (para. 10)

FAO's Emergency Operations and Rehabilitation Division (TCE) finances its agricultural relief and rehabilitation projects through contributions from donor governments, United Nations Agencies and FAO's Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP). Resources allocated to FAO's emergency programmes have grown substantially during the past decade. There was nearly US$230 million in funding in 2004, of which US$210 million through bilateral contributions from donor governments and UN Agencies, and US$20 million from the Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP).


FAO solicits donor support mainly through the UN Consolidated Appeals Process (CAP) and other emergency or transitional appeals and strategy papers/updates on behalf of countries affected by disasters. The Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities (SFERA) was also established in 2004 as a rapid response fund to allow FAO to quickly field assistance to disaster-affected countries.

Encourage the increase in resource flows and effectiveness in supporting sustainable economic growth and social development (para. 11)

A comprehensive database of government expenditure on agriculture and rural development has been established to assist NEPAD/AU in monitoring progress towards the attainment of the the Maputo Declaration target of increasing national budgets to agriculture and rural development to 10% within the next five years. Data collection has begun in Africa, and will be extended to other regions in the near future.


In 2004, approximately US$ 500 million of extra-budgetary resources for FAO's technical assistance services, emergency and rehabilitation programmes, and normative activities were mobilitzed in support of Members' needs. Efforts are underway to ensure a similar flow of resources for 2005.

Continue supporting agricultural market liberalization efforts through analytical work on the impact of trade on food security in developing countries, and provide them with assistance in facilitating their understanding of, and participation in, multilateral trade negotiations (para 12)

More than a dozen trade policy technical notes and briefs on issues in the negotiations have been prepared and disseminated. Other “learning” opportunities include Round Tables for agriculture trade policy-makers and negotiators in Geneva.

Encourage measures that promote access to food and income-generating opportunities (para. 16)

This matter is being addressed at all relevant fora as well as through the FAO/Netherlands Partnership Programme (FNPP).


(Rome, 20-23 September 2004


Encourage countries to accord higher priority to food security, through agriculture and rural development, in national strategies and budgets to attain sustainable development and poverty and hunger eradication (para. 17)

NEPAD agreed to FAO’s proposal to allocate ten percent of national budgets to agriculture and rural development. FAO publications and communications materials exhort countries to invest in agriculture and rural development as the most effective means to reduce hunger and poverty. To this effect, FAO organised Roundtables on Financing for Agriculture during its 2004 Regional Conferences in developing regions. The meetings were attended by Ministers of Agriculture, as well as by high-level financial authorities.

Promote the need to enhance allocation of resources, including ODA, to agricultural and rural development (para. 18)

This is an ongoing activity. FAO maintains a database of ODA to agriculture and rural development and closely collaborates and cooperates with OECD, the World Bank and Regional Development Banks in standardizing inputs.


FAO contributes to enhancing ODA and the flow of resources to agriculture through investments of approximately US$3 billion per year from its partnerships with the international financing institutions (IFIs). It acts as “honest broker” between the needs of Member Governments and the requirements of the financing institutions, designing high-quality investment proposals. In this connection, FAO continues to carry out upstream work establishing the framework for investment, and contributes to PRSPs and other poverty-related studies. FAO also liaises with public sector partners at the national level to assist Ministries in the formulation of viable agricultural sector investment programmes, and to promote measures which address the enabling environment, livelihoods, safety nets, and environmental sustainability.

Promote food aid, particularly under emergency situations, while understanding that hunger cannot be sustainably eradicated by food aid alone (para. 18)

Access to food through food aid shipments is pursued on the one hand, the Right to Food Guidelines on appropriate role for food aid are closely ahdred to on the other hand.


FAO continues to work closely with WFP and a number of Member Nations on the improvement of the methodology used for FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Missions (CFSAMs) to improve their timeliness and accuracy. Background notes on potential improvements in needs assessments (including food assistance) for a Working Group of the Food Aid Committee have also been prepared.


In addition, FAO prepared and presented its response to the International Grains Council on the renegotiations of the Food Aid Convention; prepared the documentation related to food aid and multilateral trade negotiations in the Doha Development Agenda; conducted an informal Expert Consultation on Food Aid Trade Matters and published a Technical Note on the subject. FAO is also preparing a note on the same subject to developing country negotiators at the WTO, and is currently preparing SOFA 2006.

Have donor countries, FAO and concerned UN Agencies accelerate coordinated and urgent assistance to the countries affected by locust plagues and hurricanes to prevent these situations from deteriorating further (para 19)

FAO responded to a series of hurricanes in summer/autumn in Latin America and the Caribbean with a multi-donor, multi-project relief programme to nine affected countries. Assistance ranged from distribution of seeds, fertilizers and other inputs and repair of fishing boats, to capacity-building in hurricane preparedness and response.


In response to the desert locust upsurge in northern and western Africa in late 2003 and 2004, FAO established the Emergency Centre for Locust Operations. It also raised funds and laised with bilateral and multilateral donors to support national efforts to control the desert locust. In addition, FAO has been implementing a large programme (65 projects, US$80 million) in affected countries that include provision of technical assistance and coordination and monitoring of the locust situation, facilitation of control operations, and national/regional
capacity- building in preparing for and responding to future upsurges. Approximately US$40 million has been budgeted to assist affected countries for the Summer Desert Locust Control Campaign.

Continue efforts in providing substance to the consensus reached in the WTO July 2004 Package of Framework Agreements (para 20)

As a follow up to the August 2004 WTO Framework Agreement, FAO has organized more than seven regional Workshops on some of the technical issues of interest in the negotiations. These Workshops have benefited approximately 300 officials from 121 countries.

Have trade analysis continue to be part of the assessment of the world food security situation, and assist developing countries in building their capacity to benefit from the opportunities provided by a liberalized trading environment (para 20)

In collaboration with national consultants and organizations, food security case studies were undertaken by the secretariat investigating the experience of 15 countries with economic and trade policy reforms over the past two decades.
A synthesis of the studies and the main findings were presented as “Food Security in the Context of Economic and Trade Policy Reforms: Insights from Country Experiences” during the Sixty-fifth Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems (Rome, 11-13 April 2005).
Capacity-building on standards has also been expanded through collaboration with WTO and other international organizations.

Have the Committee on World Food Security hold a Special Forum in 2006 to review progress made in the achievement of the World Food Summit objectives, consonant with the recommendations contained in objective 7.3 viz 7.3 (g) and 7.3 (h) (para 21)

Action taken. See Report of the Thirty-first Session of the Committee on World Food Security (Rome, 23-26 May 2005) (CL 128/10).

Convene a Multistakeholder Dialogue during the Thirty-first Session of the Committee on World Food Security and have it funded from within available resources between Governments, international organizations and representatives of civil society (para 21)

The Multistakeholder Dialogue took place during the Thirty-first Session of the Committee on World Food Security (Rome, 23-26 May 2005).

Convene a regionally-balanced Working Group of Experts to review and finalize a revised reporting format and a related set of indicators as follow-up to the World Food Summit (para 22)

Action taken. See document CL 128/10.


Intergovernmental Working Group for the Elaboration of a Set of Voluntary Guidelines to Support the Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate Food in the Context of National Food Security


Encourage Members to adopt the Voluntary Guidelines (para. 25)

The Voluntary Guidelines, adopted by the Hundred and Twenty-seventh Session of the Council, have been placed on the FAO Right to Food Website. The printed version has also been distributed distributed widely. The Right to Food (RtF) Core Group is promoting the use of the Voluntary Guidelines (VGs) through its work on an ongoing basis. A Side Event, organized by the OHCHR and FAO, was held in Geneva during the Sixty First Session of the Commission on Human Rights to draw attention to the Voluntary Guidelines. A Special Event on Right to Food will be held during the Hundred and Twenty-eighth Session of the Council (Rome, 20-25 June 2005).

Bring the Voluntary Guidelines to the attention of the Thirty-third Session of the Conference in 2005 (para. 25)

The Voluntary Guidelines, together with a covering note updating progress with the the FAO RtF/VGs implementation programme, will be distributed as an information document for information during the Thirty-third Session of the Conference in November 2005.

Have the Director-General ensure the wide dissemination of the Voluntary Guidelines to all relevant UN Bodies and Agencies
(para 26)

Action taken. The printed version of the Voluntary Guidelines has been disseminated to all Member Governments and relevant UN Bodies and Agencies.


(ROME, 9-10 FEBRUARY 2004)


Thoroughly assess, within existing financial means and taking account of the specific cultural and social characteristics of individual countries, the linkages between changing food consumption patterns and non-communicable diseases, the possible effects of changing demand on agricultural production systems and commodity trade, and supply responses through diversification (para. 29)

The Organization has begun analyzing changes in food consumption patterns, their impact on nutritional status and the prevalence of diet-related non-communicable diseases. A new Programme Entity is planned for the 2006-07 biennium to study the impact of demographic changes and urbanization on diets. The FAO/WHO Fruit and Vegetable for Health Initiative also aims to help countries promote coordinated programmes to encourage fruit and vegetable availability and consumption within balanced diets, with a view to preventing micronutrient deficiencies and diseases. The Organization is also encouraging actions designed to enhance accessibility and consumption of fruit and vegetables by streamlining the production, post harvest handling and marketing chain. Efforts to raise awareness about the health benefits of increased consumption contribute to increased opportunities for agricultural diversification and income generation. In this connection, a specific Programme Entity in the FAO Summary Programme of Work and Budget (212B2) relates to horticulture for improving livelihoods.





Retain this item on the Council Agenda for future deliberations, and report on the outcome of the consultation process (para. 40)

The report of the Second Global Forum of Food Safety Regulators (GF-2) (Bangkok, Thailand,
12-14 October 2004) was finalized and posted on the web for wider dissemination. As agreed at the concluding session of the Global Forum, a web-based electronic forum was initiated 4 April 2005, for a period of 6 weeks, to consult with food safety regulators on the need for a Third Global Forum, its objective, content as well as format. The message was sent to all participants at GF-2 as well as to Codex contact points and persons on the mailing list of the FAO/ESNS Electronic Newsletter "Food Safety and Quality Update", inviting them to participate in the e-forum. The analysis of the replies received through the e-forum will be presented and discussed with delegates attending the next session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (Rome, 4-9 July 2005). A report will then be prepared on the outcome of the entire consultation process and presented to the Hundred and Twenty-ninth Session of the Council in November 2005 for consideration.




Reflect the Commission’s proposed Multi-Year Programme of Work in the Organization’s Medium-Term Plan (para. 42)

The Tenth Session of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture requested the Secretariat to prepare a draft Multi-Year Programme of Work (MYPOW) for consideration and adoption at its Eleventh Session, which will take place towards the end of 2006. Through the MYPOW, the Commission would implement its full mandate to cover all components of biodiversity for food and agriculture (Conference Resolution 3/95) in the medium and longer term. When the MYPOW has been adopted by the Commission at that Session, its elements will be reflected in the Organisation’s Medium-Term Plan and Programme of Work and Budget.

Mobilize the Regular Programme of Work and Budget and human resources of FAO to support the work of the Commission, to match priorities with available financial and human resources, and, if required, to mobilize extra-budgetary resources (para. 42)

For the 2006-2007 biennium, US$110 000 of the Regular Programme funds under Programme Entity 210P1 “Secretariat of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA)”, were shifted to programme 212 for the establishment of the Secretariat of the International Treaty. Under Zero Real Growth, funding of the remainder of the Programme Entity has not been reduced. Therefore, mobilization of extrabudgetary resources will continue to be needed, especially for the new priorities identified by the Commission.


The action requested by the Council also refers to the expected outcome of the process to prepare a MYPOW for approval at the Commission’s Eleventh Session. As part of this process, the Commission requested a succinct analysis of the human and financial resources required to support work on the various sectors of genetic resources for food and agriculture and an identification of gaps. This analysis will be prepared and will be submitted to the Eleventh Session, with the MYPOW.

Convene the First International Technical Conference on Animal Genetic Resources in 2007 (para 42)

A number of Member Nations, including Canada, China, France, Germany, Switzerland, the United States of America and the United Kingdom have been approached regarding hosting and/or
co-financing the First International Technical Conference in 2007. While some have expressed interest, no firm commitments have yet been made. It is expected, however, that this matter will be resolved during 2005. Draft papers and a draft proposal for the conference programme are being prepared in consultation with the Secretariat of the Commission.

Have Spain host the First Session of the Governing Body and the United States of America provide for the meeting of the Contact Group for the Drafting of the Standard Material Transfer Agreement (para. 44)

There are ongoing contacts with both Spain and the United States of America, and formal agreements are expected to be concluded. The First Session of the Governing Body is expected to be held in Madrid in February 2006, whereas the meeting of the Contact Group is expected to be held in Tunisia and financed by the United States of America in July 2005.





Have the Programme and Finance Committees and the Secretariat explore how the PIR can be enhanced by taking into account, where possible and desirable, the various requests of Members, and by possibly taking advantage of the FAO Website as a modality for providing information (para 48)

Enhancements to the PIR are sought on a continuing basis and the Programme Committee will provide further advice on format and contents at its September 2005 session.

Forward the PIR to the Thirty-third Session of the Conference in 2005 (para. 50)

Action will be taken.




Continue steps towards focussing the document on new programme entities and changes to existing entities (para 51)

This primary focus on change over the previous version is expected to continue in the next MTP document (2008-2013).

Take into account FAO’s contribution to internationally-agreed development goals, in particular those of the Millennium Declaration (para 53)

A more thorough assessment of FAO’s contributions to the Millennium Development Goals was carried out during 2004-2005 and the results will be reflected in the MTP.

Pursue close partnerships with other UN System organizations and ensure FAO’s active participation in key country-level policy exercises (para 53)

Action is being taken. Attention to these important objectives is paramount in the design of FAO’s substantive programmes and entities.

Carry forward any unused balance of arrears as at 31 December 2005 to the Capital Expenditure Facility (para. 54)

This is part of the proposals in the Summary Programme of Work and Budget 2006-07
(see document CL 128/3).

Have the next session of the Finance Committee consider options for handling the insufficient amount added by the Thirty-second Session of the Conference to Assessed Contributions 2004-05 for the ongoing amortization of After Service Medical Care (ASMC) liabilities on the basis of the latest actuarial valuation (para. 55)

This matter was discussed by Hundred and Ninth Session of the Finance Committee in May 2005 (see document CL 128/13).

Develop alternative scenarios for the next MTP and PWB to enlighten the Membership about the possible impact of alternative allocations, including Zero-Real Growth (ZRG), Zero-Nominal Growth (ZNG) and Real Growth (RG) (para. 56)

Three scenarios (RG, ZRG and ZNG) are presented in the SPWB 2006-07 (see document CL 128/3).

Continue monitoring concrete and future potential efficiency savings in the PWB documents (para. 57)

Potential efficiency savings are also addressed in the SPWB 2006-07 (see document CL 128/3).

Maintain an adequate balance between normative and operational activities and have core activities under the Regular Programme not become excessively dependent on extra-budgetary resources (para 58)

These are ongoing concerns at all levels of management, and action is being taken to ensure that core activities do not become excessively dependent on extrabudgetary resources.

Implement the new Priority Area for Inter-disciplinary Action (PAIA) on the implications of the HIV/AIDS pandemic on food and agriculture, and have the PAIAs reviewed by the Programme Committee (para. 58)

The HIV/AIDS PAIA is being formally established, building on earlier less formal interdisciplinary arrangements. A report on experience with PAIAs so far is due for consideration by the Programme Committee at its September 2005 session.

Have the Programme Committee continue to address priority-setting at its next session (para. 58)

The Programme Committee addressed this matter at its May 2005 session, in particular, the initial experience of the process of auto-evaluation which included commentary on priority-setting (see document CL 128/11).

Use the substantive content of the Medium-Term Plan as a basis for the preparation of PWB proposals for the next biennium, taking account of the comments made by the Programme and Finance Committees, the results of discussions in the Technical Committees early next year, and Council’s own reactions (para. 60)

The proposals in the Summary Programme of Work and Budget PWB 2006-07 are closely derived from the MTP 2006-11, as well as views of concerned Bodies thereof (see document CL 128/3).




Savings and Efficiencies in Governance


Make every effort in the remainder of the biennium, to the extent possible, to make sufficient efficiency savings to redress some of the cuts made to Programme 3.1.2 Policy Assistance to Various Regions and 5.2.1 Financial Services (para. 62)

While this has not proved feasible as yet, the reversal of these cuts is a key feature in the SPWB 2006-07 proposals (see document CL 128/4).

Have the Programme and Finance Committees consider proposals from the Secretariat, in the context of the SPWB 2006-07, regarding the reinstatement of the cancelled session of COAIM (Consultation on Agriculture Information Management (para. 63)

The same paragraph 63 mentions the investigation of an “acceptable alternative approach” which is, in fact, being actively studied by the concerned division, GIL.


(ROME, MAY 2004) AND


Prepare the following in response to the Evaluation of FAO’s Decentralization: a costed and time-bound implementation plan building on the evaluation report’s recommendations and suggestions, as well as management’s proposals for addressing issues through alternative means; proposed additional measures stemming from management’s own analysis; analysis of areas of potential efficiency savings and management’s response to each of the recommendations of the evaluation (para. 66)

This matter was discussed by the Ninety-third Session of the Programme Committee and Hundred and Ninth Session of the Finance Committee in May 2005 (see documents CL 128/11 and CL 128/13).

Have related proposals to the above progressively incorporated into the Programme of Work and Budget for consideration by the Governing Bodies (para. 67)

The complexity and the far-reaching nature of many of the recommendations require a full analysis of the implications before decisions can be made, and before results can be incorporated (see documents CL 128/11 and CL 128/13).

Have the Evaluation Service undertake a review of certain aspects of the TCP, including recommendations for strengthening its effectiveness and the results of a consultative process with Governments and other external stakeholders (para. 68)

Action was taken (see documents CL 128/11 and CL 128/13).

Carry out the TCP review in such a way as to contribute to the Programme’s further strengthening, as well as its adaptation to changing contexts and its enhancement impact on Member Nations (para. 69)

Action was taken (see documents CL 128/11 and CL 128/13).




Status of Contributions and Arrears


Urge all Member Nations to pay their contributions in full in order to enable the Organization to continue to fulfil its mandate
(para. 72)

The Secretariat continues to solicit Member Nations to pay their contributions on a timely basis. Ongoing efforts in this regard include quarterly statements of accounts to Member Nations, format reminders to Countries with arrears of contributions and quarterly follow up activities at the regional and sub-regional level.


Results of the Application of the New Methodology for Equitable Geographic Distribution


Have the new system operate for some time before considering any further revisions regarding the post grade weighting factor
(para. 77)

The new system for the determination of equitable geographic distribution has continued and will continue to operate as approved by the
Thirty-second Session of the Conference in 2003 (i.e. without further revisions regarding the post grade weighting factor). No further action will be taken unless solicited by the Member Nations themselves.

Promote further efforts to remedy the serious under-representation of one region (even under the new methodology) (para. 78)

Efforts to improve the geographical distribution in the region in question to are ongoing. Specific efforts have been undertaken recently to improve the channels of communication through which jobs are advertised in this region.

Other Matters Arising Out of the Reports


Audited Accounts – FAO 2002-2003


Forward a Draft Resolution on the Audited Accounts for the 2002-2003 biennium to the Twenty-third Session of the Conference in 2005 for adoption (para. 80)

A Draft Resolution on the Audited Accounts 2002-03 is included on the Agenda of the
Thirty-third Session of the Conference.


Incentive Scheme to Encourage Prompt Payment of Contributions – Determination of Discount Rate


In early 2005, analyze the effect of a discount rate of zero on Members’ timing of payments against past behaviour (para. 82)

An analysis of the impact of the zero discount rate on collections as at February 2005 was discussed by the Hundred and Ninth Session of the Finance Committee in May 2005 (see document CL 128/13).

Liabilities for After Service Medical Costs


Have the Finance Committee review proposals at its May 2005 session on the range of options available on the funding on the ASMC liability, and have it formulate a recommendation to Council on the amount of funding to be included in the 2006-07 Budget Appropriation (para. 86)

The Hundred and Ninth Session of the Finance Committee (May 2005) considered options in handling the insufficient amount by the
Thirty-second Session of the Conference to Assessed Contributions 2004-05 to fund the ongoing amortization of the ASMC liabilities on the basis of the latest actuarial evaluation 2005 (see document CL 128/13).

Examine options available for funding the additional US$15.9 million needed in the
2006-07 Budget in respect to the increased ASMC amortisation arising from the latest actuarial report (para. 87)

Action is being taken (see document CL 128/13) .


30 MARCH AND 7-8 OCTOBER 2004)


Proposed Amendment to Rule VIII.5 of the Rules of Procedure of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (Advisory Functions of the Executive Committee in Respect of the Granting, by the Directors-General of FAO and WHO, of Observer Status to International Non-Governmental Organizations)


Have the proposed amendments considered, for approval, by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (para. 88)

The proposed amendments have been referred to the Codex Alimentarius Commission for approval at its forthcoming Twenty-eighth Session
(Rome, 4-9 July 2005).


Legal Status of Bodies Established Under Article XIV of the FAO Constitution


In future, follow a procedure for the conclusion of contracts and agreements, other than informal working arrangements (para. 91)

Action is currently being taken.

Have the Director-General monitor the implementation of this procedure, with a view to assessing whether amendments to Part R of the Basic Texts are required (para. 92)

Action is currently being taken.

Implement the procedure adopted recently by the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) at its Extraordinary Session (Malta, 19-23 July 2004) for the appointment of secretaries of bodies under Article XIV of the FAO Constitution having autonomous budgets (para. 94)

Action is underway.

Have the documents or decisions having policy, financial or programme implications for the Organization reported to the Organization and the Organization given a timely opportunity to express its views. Have the Director-General keep the matter under review in order to assess whether any amendments to Part R of the Basic Texts are needed (para. 95)

Action is being taken.

Duly reflect in the Rules of Procedure of relevant bodies established under Article XIV of the FAO Constitution that in cases where a Member Organization participates in a particular body on the basis of the principle of the alternative exercise of membership rights, it may not hold office (para. 97)

Action is being taken.


Proposal for the Establishment of a South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission (SWIOFC) under Article VI of the FAO Constitution


Implement operative paragraphs of
Resolution 1/127 on the Statutes of the South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission (para. 98)

The South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission is operational. It held its first Session in Mombassa, Kenya, from 18 to 21 April 2005.


Seating Arrangements for the European Community in Meetings of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and its Subsidiary Bodies


Implement the special seating arrangements for the European Community in meetings of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and its subsidiary bodies, whereby the delegation of the European Community sits next to the delegation of the country holding the rotating presidency of the Community (para. 100)

The special seating arrangements are being followed in Codex meetings, and will be applied during the forthcoming session of the Codex Alimentarius in July 2005.


Correction of Errors in the Basic Texts
in the Different Languages


Implement corrections in the Basic Texts in all language versions (para. 100)

This has been done and a new version of the Basic Texts, reflecting the changes, is being printed.


Information on Developments in the UN System Regarding Registered Partnerships an
Same-sex Marriages


Have the CCLM discuss the issue and prepare a proposal at its spring session before submission to the Hundred and Twenty-eighth Session of the Council in June 2005 (para 102)

Action has been taken (see document CL 128/5).




Date for Nominations to the Office of


Communicate Nominations to the Office of Director-General to the Secretary General of the Conference and Council at the latest by
8 April 2005 at 12.00 hours, and have the Secretary-General circulate those Nominations to all Member Nations of the Organization by 29 April 2005 (para. 105)

Action taken. Notes Verbales to all Member Nations circulating Nominations were despatched on 13 April 2005.


Applications for Membership in the Organization


Invite the Republic of Belarus, applicant country, to participate, in an observer capacity, in the Hundred and Twenty-seventh Session of the Council, as well as in regional and technical meetings of the Organization of its interest (para. 107)

Action taken. Invitation despatched on
20 April 2005.




Have the Hundred and Thirtieth Session of the Council in November 2005 approve the Calendar of FAO Governing Bodies and Other Main Sessions for 2006 on the basis of a Provisional Calendar 2006-2007 examined at that Session (para. 108)

A Provisional Calendar of FAO Governing Bodies and Other Main Sessions 2006-2007 will be considered and adopted by the Thirty-third Session of the Conference in November 2005.






Have His Excellency Don Oscar Antonio Oyuela Castellòn, Alternate Permanent Representative of the Republic of Honduras to FAO, as alternate member to the Staff Pension Committee for the period ending 31 December 2006, replace and complete the term of office of Her Excellency Doña Victoria Guardia Alvarado de Hernández, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Costa Rica to FAO (para. 109)

Action has been taken.




Further consult and discuss with donors the extent of support to be provided to the emergency trust fund (para 112)

A letter appealing for extrabudgetary contributions to the SFERA and the new Emergency Trust Fund was sent by the
Director-General to 30 donors in early 2005, and further discussions took place during the periodic donor meetings. To date, donor support to the SFERA has been received from Norway, Germany, United Kingdom and Canada.




Launch an Independent External Evaluation of FAO to strengthen and improve it while taking into consideration FAO’s performance in conducting its mandate (para. 113)

The Hundred and Twenty-seventh Session of the Council established an Inter-Sessional Working Group (ISWG) which will report to the Hundred and Twenty-eighth Session (see document CL 128/15).

Have the Inter-sessional Working Group (ISWG) consist of a core group of up to three Members or each regional group and the coordinator of the Group of 77 (para. 114)

The ISWG has been meeting regularly, with participants selected by Members.

Have the Independent Chairman convene the First Meeting of the ISWG (para. 114)

Action has been taken.

Have the ISWG prepare proposals for:


a) terms of reference for a committee, to be established under Article VI of the FAO Constitution to oversee, on behalf of the Council, the entire evaluation process (para 115)

See document CL 128/15.

b) terms of reference of the Independent External Evaluation of FAO, including the scope; content; methodology; composition, expertise and criteria for selection of the evaluation team; cost estimates; reporting process; and timetable for completion of the evaluation (para. 115)

See document CL 128/15.

Have the ISWG present its proposals to the Hundred and Twenty-eighth Session of the Council in June 2005, and in any case not later than the Hundred and Twenty-ninth Session in November 2005 (para. 116)

See document CL 128/15.

Have the ISWG financed from extrabudgetary resources, in full accordance with the financial rules and regulations of the Organization (para. 117)

A multi-donor Trust Fund was established by the Director-General and attendant resources are being used for the activities of the ISWG.




Effectively organize parallel meeting of Ministers of Fisheries on the specific issue of the NEPAD Fisheries’ Programme (para. 121)

Action has been taken during the Committee of Fisheries in March 2005.